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Their class started as usual everything was same teacher coming and going out of class some students(ni-ki) sleeping while some were chatting in the class but one thing was different today for sunoo and for sunghoon.

Sunoo was at the library waiting for sunghoon they had promised eachother to meet at the library after their classes were over and now its been 15 minutes and sunghoon was no were to be seen so he decided to read a book and began to search for one finally a book caught his attention but it was on the top shelf and sunoo was having problem to reach it.

Suddenly a hand from behind grabbed the book that he was trying to take so he looked back may be it was a bad idea he turned so fastly that he collide with some chest and when he looked up he saw a smiling sunghoon he was on his own thoughts when he saw a book waving infront of him.

He came back to his sense "you know thats why they say us to drink milk."sunghoon said clearly making fun of sunoo height.

"What are you saying hyung" the younger replied back with slight hint of blush in his cheeks and it doesnt get unnotice by sunghoon so he step back and  sit at the table were his bilonging were kept and sunoo followed him.

"Btw nice choice " sunghoon said while showing the book to sunoo.

"I know and i was intrsted... so romeo and juliet" the younger said while shruggling his shoulder and taking the book fron sunghoon hand.

"Anyway lets start the lesson."sunoo said and they began to study sunghoon telling him all the formulas and sunoo solving all the questions.

" and the x will be here,  sunoo are you listening." Sunghoon was calling  sunoo but he got no answer, so he looked back at sunoo only to see him sleeping and sunghoon copied the same thing while admiring the sleeping sunoo but soon he also drifted to his dreamland.

Sunoo slowly opened his eyes only to see that he was not in his room he looked around and saw sunghoon sleeping figure then it hit him they were in the library. 

It was dark and the moon light was the only source of light that were coming from the window.

"Sunghoon hyung wakeup " he said while shaking sunghoon shoulder

" what is it sunoo?" The older opened his eyes wondering what is sunoo doing in his room and then it hit him like a truck they were not in his room rather they were in the library.

"Hyung why didn't you wake me up insted you also fell asleep." The younger complain while searching something in his bag.

"Shit my phone battery is dead" he cursed and began to panic.

"Hyung where is your phone lets call someone." Sunoo was now going back and forth while sunghoon was trying to call someone.

After some moment sunghoon looked at sunoo with an awkward smile "sunoo there is no network." Sunghoon waved his phone at the air showing sunoo that there were no network.

Sunoo desperately wanted to get out of here jungwon will be looking for him and he was hungry,  so he did what he think was right and began to knock on the door while screaming for help.

" help, is someone  there please help us we are stuck here" but no , no one answered him the whole library was silent only the sound of owl, crickets and  sunoo scream can be heard.

"Its ok sunoo,  if someone was here they would've come here and help us, i guess there is no one" sunghoon sat down at the floor resting his back at the wall and patting the space beside him for sunoo to sit down .

"It's wast of time even if you shout no one would come here at this time,  so lets get to know each other better until this door opens." Sunghoon said the last sentence while patting the door.

"Not a bad idea tho."sunoo said while smiling.

"So i will start first, what's your ideal type." It ws silent for a moment sunoo was in deep thought  after some times he replied sunghoon question

"My ideal type is someone who loves me a lot , listen to me all day and who know my priorities and top of that he should respect me." As the words were slipping out of his mouth his smile was getting wider.

" what about yours hyung" he question back sunghoon.

" mine is someone who smiles a lot, sometimes preety, sometimes handsome but most of the time cute, mine is someone like you."  There was a slight tension in the air when sunghoon said that,  they both maintaining eye contact but soon sunoo broke it

"You are good at joking hyung." Sunoo giggled but the awkwardness was still there

" anyways my turn to ask you question."

"How abou your family, i mean you didnt tell me anything about them. He said his knees now in his chest and head resting on his knee.

"My family is just like other, my mom, dad and a little sister." He was in the middle of saying however sunoo cut him off.

"You have a sister" sunoo was shocked with the new information he just got now.

"Yes she is 3 year younger than me, so anyways i was saying that they expect a lot from me as they want me to take over their company" sunghoon said with a sad Expression .

" then what about your dream hyung you told me that you wanted to be a doctor." The other said with concern 

"gusess i have to compromise my dreams for their happiness.  Ok enough about me let me hear yours. "

"Mine is kinda complicated,  mom and dad they dont like me being gay as i am their only child so they expect me to marry their friends daughter so that their family can grow further that why i live at a dorm so that they can't force me for anything."

He said while resting his head on the older shoulder, he was crying a little so sunghoon patted his head while his own head was full of thought that sunoo was hiding something more then he said but sunghoon kept silent for now and consoling the other.

Also sunoo and sunghoon arnt that close friends but theyare friends just not like sunoo, jungwonand ni-ki

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