💔 why?

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After everything he's ever gone through, only one question remained in SMG3s mind.


Why was he in love with him?

3 paced around his room (the upstairs of a Starbucks), muttering quietly to himself. Tears streamed down his face as he couldn't seem to wrap his head around his feelings. More than anything, he was feeling frustrated. Why was he in love with him?

He hated him. That's how things were and are supposed to be. They're sworn enemies. Everyone knows that. It's just how things were. It was carved in stone, their fates. It could not be changed. If 3 hated him so much, why was he in love with him?

3 threw himself onto his makeshift cot and pulled at his hair and smacked his face in an attempt to wipe the tears. He wasn't supposed to be emotional. He was supposed to be mean and snarky and sassy. He wasn't supposed to be scared, regretful and angry... angry at himself, at least. Why was he in love with him?!

The anger boiled up in 3s chest and set in his throat, making his tears pour harder. It only made him more frustrated by the second. How dare he show emotion. That's not what his "character" is supposed to be like. He's supposed to be mean. A villain. He didn't want to be the villain. Everyone still saw him as one. Especially him. Why was he in love with him?!

It's 3s fault that he hated him. He still saw him as a manipulating, lying, piece of trash. He would never... never think of him as anything else but an annoyance. And it was 3s fault that he saw him like that. Even though he hates him, why was he in love with him?!

3 couldn't take it anymore. His rage and melancholy creeped up onto his tongue, and he let it all out into one blood curdling scream. He didn't care how loud he was being. He was speaking him mind. This one horrifying scream was how his mind sounded a majority of the time. He screamed until his lungs burned and cried for more air. 3 gasped exasperatedly and let out a second cry, this one more sad than angry. He couldn't think if anything else to do. After everything, after all he's done, after tormenting him on purpose...

Why was he in love with him?

3 layed down on his bed gasping for air from his cries of help. He didn't know who he was crying to. To himself? To a God? To some sort of savior who can unbreak the broken? 3 could never fix their relationship now. He had ruined it and rejected his kindness one too many times, and now, himself was the one who wanted to fix it? How stupid of him.

As he started to drift to sleep, the same question played in his mind over and over again:

Why was SMG3 in love with SMG4?


497 Words. Tysm for reading ♡!! Sorry this one is short/sad but hey what you gonna do when ur feeling like writing some angst? Write some angst. I know I'm not too great at it, but here, take it anyways.

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