💔WOTFI2023 Alternate Ending 💔

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"YES!" SMG3 cheered as he held up his notebook triumphantly in the air. "I DID IT!"

"We did it, silly." SMG4 rolled his eyes playfully, shifting his gaze to the burning pile of sports car and forklift. "I might get my license revoked if the company finds out about my crash."

"Yeah, yeah. Who cares?! I have my notebook back!" SMG3 gave the cover multiple wet smooches and hugged it close to his chest.

SMG4 chuckled, not taking his eyes off of the rubble. "Do you think we went a little too hard on Mario? I mean, he just wanted a Club Penguin skin."

"My Club Penguin skin and pizza recipe!" SMG3 hissed as he leaned close to SMG4, his eyes narrowed. "And no, I don't think so. He deserved it. He almost KILLED US for my notebook. Why does he trust that lifeless piece of cardboard so much?" He looked towards the fire, peering as hard as he could to find a glimpse of Marty.

SMG4 sighed. "I don't know... I'm worried about him, though." He trailed off before looking away from the fire. "Cmon, we should go. He'll probably wake up soon and realize he's on fire trapped in a car."

SMG3 didn't say anything but took the lead in front of his counterpart, strolling towards the street. He heard SMG4 mutter something from under his breath, but he decided not to pay any attention to it.

SMG4 and 3's hair suddenly stood on end as the tension in the air seemed to grow. SMG3's eyes widened as he heard noises come from behind him.




SMG3 whipped around at the sound of the earshattering gunfire that came from behind his back. He looked SMG4 in the eyes, watching fear strike his entire soul, and his face go pale.

"No." He whispered.

He ran to catch SMG4 just before he fell to the pavement. They collasped to the floor, SMG3 holding the other Meme Guardian close to his chest. SMG4 began to shake and whimper as he held his stomach, crying in pain. SMG3 met his hands at his stomach and watched as warm, thick blood poured out from the circular wound.

SMG3 gasped and clenched his jaw, furiously looking up at the fire. Of course, crawling out of the flames was Mario, a gun pointed towards them with a sinister and deranged grin plastered on his face.

Mario cackled, gasping for air in between the maniacal sounds. "GIVE ME THE NOTEBOOK, SMG3!" He finally screamed, standing up shakily. "GIVE IT TO ME, AND I SAVE HIS LIFE."

"Wh-? WHAT?" SMG3's eyes darted from SMG4's bullet wound to Mario's gun.

"I can save him! That's one of the perks of being an avatar!" Mario leaned back, sticking out his tongue before chuckling again. "So much power in the hands of someone so irresponsible, don't you think?!" He began to laugh again. This time, it sounded more tired than evil. "NOW GIVE ME THE NOTEBOOK!" He pointed his gun straight at SMG3 and put a scowl on his face. He wasn't laughing this time.

"N-No..." SMG4 forced out. "Go, 3. Get out of here."

"What?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" SMG3 yelled, shaking SMG4 lightly. "I'm not leaving you to die!"

"UGH, THIS AGAIN!" Mario whined. "First, with you finishing the perfect video, and now this?!"

SMG3 began to breathe heavily. He wanted to save SMG4. He really did. But could he really trust Mario that he would heal him? If he didn't heal SMG4, and SMG3 gave up his notebook, it would all be for nothing. On the other hand, SMG4 wanted him to leave, but there was never, in a million years, a chance that he would leave him to die. That's monstrous.

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