ill keep watch - (can possibly be interpreted as SMG34)

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SMG3 awoke suddenly when somebody began to shake his shoulder. He gasped and opened his eyes, staring at the person who had woken him. "Mm..." He hummed as he closed his eyes again.

"Hey, you fell asleep again." Meggy kneeled on the floor and removed her hand from his shoulder. "You need to go to bed."

SMG3 shook his head. "Hm-mm..." He took a deep breath in and set it out shakily. "No."

"You've been sitting outside his door for days now. You've barely been sleeping." Meggy looked up at the door and bit her lip.

"Well, I was sleeping... you woke me up." SMG3 grumbled and opened his eyes. "I'm just making sure he doesn't die."

"SMG4 isn't gonna die." Meggy rolled her eyes.

"Meggy," SMG3 lifted his head off of the door and leaned forward, resting his head in his hands. "The idiot hasn't left his room ever since I've been sitting here. God knows if he has food in there or not." SMG3 listened closely inside of the room, hearing the slight noise of SMG4's keyboard clacking.

"He's probably fine. Tomorrow is 'Mar10' day, so he'll come out of his room for that. He'd do anything for Mario. He's his best friend." Meggy gave a warm smile and a reassuring nod.

"Something tells me..." SMG3 raised his head from his hands and stared into Meggy's tangerine colored eyes. "...Something tells me that he won't."

Meggys smile faded as she felt herself begin to agree with SMG3. This wasn't just another one of SMG4 hyperfixations, no. Sure, sometimes he would work on a video for a few days at a time, but he would come out of his room and socialize still. Meggy had a feeling that this video that SMG4 was working on just wasn't another one of his videos.

This was something much, much worse.

"Time will only tell." Meggy stood up and offered a hand to SMG3. "Cmon, you need to go home."

SMG3 shook his head and leaned back, resting his head on the door. "I'm not leaving."

"3..." Meggy sighed, crossing her arms delicately. "You need to get some rest."

"I've just been sleeping against the door -"

"GOOD rest. When was the last time you slept over an hour without waking up?" Meggy scoffed.

SMG3 thought for a moment. He really hadn't gotten good sleep for the past couple of weeks; He had been too worried about SMG4 to get rest. "That doesn't really matter."

"3!" Meggy snapped. 3 jumped, widening his eyes and furrowing his brow. "Sorry." She said, relaxing her shoulders. "You haven't been the only one on edge since SMG4 has disappeared into his studio."

"I can see that." SMG3 scoffed and looked at the floor.

Both of them suddenly heard a large banging coming from the other side of the door. SMG3 sat up and whipped around, facing the door. Meggy walked cautiously closer and put her ear against the door. The loud banging stopped and was followed up by an agitated yell.

Meggy gave a light knock. "H-Hey... SMG4? You alright?"

"NO!" SMG4 yelled back.

Part of Meggy was relieved to hear SMG4s voice after so long, but another part of her felt horrible for the guy.

"Maybe we can help you with this video? I don't want all this stress on you, 4." Meggy said softly, turning the doorknob only to find it was locked.

"GO AWAY!" SMG4 roared. Another slam on his keyboard was heard, and then back to typing and silence.

SMG3 sighed and put his forehead on the door. "Hey man," He started softly. "You really need to wrap things up. 'Mar10' day is tomorrow, and I'm sure you don't wanna miss that, y'know?"

No answer.

"Please?" SMG3 whispered.

Still nothing but the sound of typing.

"WHATEVER!" SMG3 rocketed to his feet. "I... I HOPE YOU DIE IN THERE! YEAH!" He pointed a finger at the door, an angry expression covered his face. However, it quickly faded after he realized what he said. He lowered his hand to the doorknob and rested his hand on top of it.

"3..." Meggy placed a hand on SMG3s shoulder, and he tensed up. "I'll keep watch for the night. You go get some sleep, okay? I'll text you if anything new happens with him."

SMG3s hand slowly slid off the doorknob, and he hung his head. "Yeah, alright." SMG3 opened a portal to the Internet Graveyard, illuminating the room ever so slightly. He turned to give the door one last sad look, then gave it to Meggy. He closed his eyes, and a small tear trickled down one of them. Before Meggy could see, SMG3 quickly shuffled through the portal, closing it behind him without turning back.

Meggy rested her back against the door and slowly slid down to a sitting position on the floor. She leaned her head back so it sat gently on the door and she closed her eyes. She felt herself slowly begin to drift to sleep at the somewhat soothing sounds of SMG4 typing away on his keyboard.

Meggy couldn't place her finger on why it was soothing. Maybe it was because it showed that SMG4 was still alive. Who knew how close he was to dying?


I posted this in my non specific one-shot book and realized it was kinda smg34 so I decided to post it here too YAY :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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