16•last hope

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🐰Kookie's POV🐰

It's been two months since I met War.

Now, he started to become a habit. A very addicting one.

I start to build my life around him. For most days, I drive him and his team to and from work. Some days I can't since I need to record, there's a week where I need to fly to Korea for a photoshoot, and other stuff I don't have the power to move or reschedule.

Our meetings are, for the most part, wholesome.

He also googled and researched me. One weekend, we went out and we just spent the day outside by the lake, eating, drinking and him quizzing me about my life. About the many works I do. Eventually he's satisfied. I said eventually, since it took 2 weekends of us before he stopped asking about my work.

He mainly focuses on my work in the music industry. Of course, my social media accounts and how can these social media platforms promote my modelling sideline.

"So let me get this straight... They pay you to go live and you just do that?? Why???" he asked.

"I don't know, they just want to see me on my everyday life. Like vlogs" I said.

"Yeah... I don't get it tho... Your life is... not really that interesting" he said in wonder.


"Nooooo what I mean is. It's just that I'm used to watching vlogs that are informative, educational. Maybe people are interested in you. It's still a wonder I got so out of sync with the people around me." He murmurs.

"Yeah... All three of your friends know me. But not you" I murmur and he just chuckles since it's true.

"Nah it's the algorithm's fault. I'm just not within your circle." He said and I scooted closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist and placed my head on his shoulder.

"You're wrong. You're exactly in my circle." I said with my cutest smile.

He giggles as he shakes his head.

Where is this going? I don't even know if he likes me. But I don't care. If at the end of this I don't get anywhere, it's better than not being with him even if it's just for a while.

"It's my birthday next week..." I started.

"I know. Sept 1st." he said looking at me.

"Can you... go to my party?" I asked, a bit nervous if he says no.

"Hmmm.. I don't know... I'm very busy that weekend..." he said and I release him from my hold and I sat back down and leaned back on my elbow.

"It's okay. I understand." I said with a weak smile. He really does not like me enough to even go to my birthday.


I really really reeeeeeally like him there. Maybe next year, he can go... There are other times. Don't beat yourself up. I console myself internally.

"Are you sulking?"

"I'm not. Who am I to sulk anyway." I said and lied down and look up at the clear skies. Exact opposite of what I'm feeling right now.

Right now... it's just storm clouds are gathering inside me... making everything gloomy and sad.

"Ugh!" I groan as the air was pushed out of my lungs.

I felt his full weight on top of me, I was taken aback from the surprise than his weight. He's very light in my opinion.

"You look cute when you sulk" he said, our faces close as he settles on top of me.

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