Hello California

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Emily's POV

The plane ride was long, my butt felt numb. Thankfully I had a carry on pillow to sit on and a neck cushion.

As soon as we landed I texted Jess and the family in our group chat.
Shay had already arrived to her schools campus. I wish we could've been there to help each other set up our dorms. That's one of the funnest parts of college. decorating your room, making it your new home for the next four years.

The boys school is 5 hrs and 27 minutes away from where I'll be. Meaning I'll drive down on the weekends to see Liam. Or sometimes he'll come Down to see me.

"Emily !" I heard Caleb shout out my name at the airport.

"Guys, Caleb's over there"

They carried my luggage to his new car that he recently bought. He works part time on campus and security duty at a local bar near school.

"Look who's all grown up" he smiled hugging me.

The last time Caleb had seen me, I was going through some serious puberty. I started having terrible acne, weird body odor issues, I even cut my hair into this weird buzz cut and wore gothic makeup.

That was a little phase where I rebelled at that time. I hated not having my mother or Aarushi anymore. But my auntie and Jess were always there to pull me out of those dark places.

He even bullied me a bit, until Shayla stopped him and then they started dating. She made him a better guy. And I must say he looked way better than before.

The last time I had seen him, he wore glasses and braces, with an ugly high top fade. But now he had contacts and his teeth weren't crooked. His haircut suited his chiseled face and he wasn't chubby anymore. His cologne stuck to my clothes, I can see why Shayla loved him so much. He was a beauty to look at.

"Well look who finally got rid of those ugly glasses" I told him.

"Tyson ! My brother, I've missed you man" he pulled his brother in for a tight hug, rocking back and forth. "Liam, Mj, come here right now or I will chase you around this airport and give you both a wedgie"

He told them and they both bum- rushed him before he attempted giving out any wedgies.

"Caleb, take care of my Girl ! And make sure no dudes try any fishy business with her or I'll come up to UCLA myself and mess them up!"

"Liam stop" I giggled. "You know I'm not like that..."

"It's not you who I don't trust. It's them. I know how men think, and I know when they see a beautiful girl like you, they only want to be your friend to have sex with you"

"Well I'm not having sex with anyone" I shook my head.

"Yeah, cause you're not having sex with him either" Mj said being mean, but I was a bit embarrassed. They all knew I was a virgin and I hated it. Society makes women feel so bad for being true to themselves and having basic morals and self respect.

Liam lost his virginity to Kandyce on his seventeenth birthday. Mj lost his to Lisa on prom night, Tyson lost his to Becka last month, and Caleb has been sleeping with Shayla since she was sixteen when she was old enough to give him consent.

I'm the only one who's holding out on sex and the pressure is starting to get to me. I don't want to be forced into doing something that I'm not ready for. But I also don't want to lose Liam in the process.

"Well I respect her for being strong enough to fight those urges" Caleb defended me.

"Thank you! Not everyone wants to put their vaginas out there to get STD's and other stuff. Do you guys even use condoms?" I asked and they all went quiet, staring at one another. "See, that's disgusting"

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