The Kickback

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10:25pm - The Party

The boys stopped for food on the way to the party. Liam brought Emily a chicken taco and cheesy fries. While Everyone else ordered wings.

Parking was tight as hell, there was at least seven hundred people here from various schools in California.

Liam held Emily close, he knew she hated huge crowds and loud noises.

"You want something to drink?" He offered.

"Yeah, Gin and Tonic please"

"Oh the hard stuff?" He said with wide eyes. Emily barely drank so this was a surprise to him, but he liked it.

Tonight's the night, I'm going to lose my virginity, She said to herself.

"Yeah, I mean it is a party right?"

"Shoot, fine by me, I'll get it"

Caleb and Mj stayed back while Liam and Tyson went for the drinks.

There were men stepping and girls from various sororities dancing. The atmosphere was therapeutic, black excellence along with other races and nationalities.

There were a group of mixed Indian men and woman by a tree. Emily's heart immediately did backflips.

Caleb watched her expression, looking at them in amazement. A few of them were wearing Hijabs, but their beauty still showed through their eyes.

"Wanna go over and say Hi?" He asked and she jumped when he pulled her from staring at them.

"You think I should?"

"Of course! Those are your people, your culture, and possibly your new friends" he suggested.

"I'm scared, what if they don't like me?"

"Then they'll be the biggest fools on planet earth, but to make it easy, I'll come with you"

He offered and she gladly accepted. They walked over to the tree and the group noticed Emily and Caleb coming in their direction.

"शुभ रात्रि, मेरा नाम एमिली है"
(Goodnight, my name is Emily)
She said in her native language.

"अंत में ! कोई है जो भाषा बोलता है"
(finally ! someome who speaks the language)


"ओह, मुझे खेद है मेरा नाम अनिका है"
"oh im sorry my name is Anika"
She chuckled.

"आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा"
(nice to meet you)

"मुझे अपनी टिप्पणी के लिए खेद है, बात सिर्फ इतनी है कि यहां रहने वाले सभी भारतीय अमेरिका में पले-बढ़े हैं इसलिए वे हमारी भाषा नहीं बोलते हैं।"
(I'm sorry about my comment, its just that everyone of the Indians over here grew up in America so they dont speak our language)

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