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"Dude type faster!"

"Bro I'm typing as fast as I can"

"Shit! Class starts in 1 hr, just keep reading and writing more words. But don't put everything word for word, that's plagiarism, we could get kicked out for that"

The boys were scrummaging to quickly read the homework assigned by Mrs. Halloway from Monday.

Today was Wednesday and she emailed everyone stating that she expected the homework to be typed, printed out and placed on her desk by 7:55am sharp before she began teaching at 8:00am.

But of course, Liam, Tyson and Mj did absolutely nothing besides hang out, play games, go to practice and small dorm parties instead of doing their homework. So now they were rushing and fighting against time. Only two pages into a four page essay assignment.

"Fuck, I'm gonna get kicked off the team" Liam flopped down on his bed, tying his shoes.

"Whoopty Doo, how do you think I feel?" Mj sighed. He honestly didn't want to party but he only went because Liam forced him and Tyson to tag along.

"Don't act like you two didn't have fun tho" he tried easing their tensions but it only made things worse. Luckily, he found the audiobook version and was listening to it with his AirPods.

However, Liam's been partying and drinking every single day since they arrived and it hasn't even been a week. It's a miracle he makes it to practices and still manages to do well.

He stood out to the Coaches and the captain, but he still had to past crab season to make it off the bench and actually play at the games.

"Okay Done!"

After Thirty- Eight gruesome minutes, with cramped knuckles and burning eyes, Tyson managed to complete one full paper. Well, his own at least.

"Dude, this is one paper with your name on it, I need one and so does Mason you idiot" Liam flicked his forehead.

"Dude, change a few words and take my name off, then put your names on it. It's no way you two thought I could complete three four page papers in less than an hour"

Tyson was right, Liam was putting so much pressure onto him when he could've done his own work himself. Not to mention, he's actually smarter than Mj and Tyson so he should've been the one typing that paper instead.

"Fuck it, I'll change a few words up quick and put our names on it".

Cracking his knuckles together, Liam quickly added a few paragraphs and changed up the sentences that Tyson previously had. Adding his own twist and ideas that he got from listening to the audiobook.

With only a few minutes to spear, they once again found themselves racing across campus. At least they actually got up and showered this time.

Speed walking down the hall and up the stairs, making it just in the Knick of time before she closed her classroom door.

"Look who made it" Mrs. Halloway said sarcastically with a grin on her face. She could tell that they ran across campus again but brushed it off because they still managed to make it on time.

All three boys stacked their papers on her desk, feeling confident about their rushed work. Like they say, 'Diamonds are made under pressure'.

"Good Morning Class, thank you to everyone who did the assigned reading and the assignment as it will count towards 5% of your grade. Now I know you're probably saying 5% isn't much. But think of it this way. What if you have a D in this class and you only need 5% to raise your grade to a C- to pass. That 5% would really matter then wouldn't it?" She asked and they all nodded in agreement.

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