Chapter 3

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agian art by Mephitidae

Ashfur walked through towards the lake. Why am I doing this? Hawkfrost is a riverclan cat, meeting other cat IS agianst the code. Ashfur shuffled through the bushes. He saw Hawkfrost sitting there with another cat. It was Brambleclaw! 

Ashfur stumbled backwards,He didnt want to believe it, Hawkfrost didnt care! Nobody cared. And Ashfur was stupid to think otherwise!  Anyone who had the choice between Him and Brambleclaw, theyed choose Brambleclaw!

 Everytime.Ashfur couldent blame them ethier,He didnt deserve Friends. how could Anyone care about him when He didnt Care about Himself? 

Just then Brambleclaw left, and Hawkfrost spotted Ashfur in the bushes, His ears perked as he walked over to him "Ashfur!" He mewed happily.

 "I didnt expect to see you here this early." Ashfur wiped tears from his eyes a tinge of anger on his face. "Why was Brambleclaw here?" He said in a demanding way

"Ashfur. Brambleclaws my brother, You KNEW we met at night...what are you saying I SHOULDENT have a relationship with my brother?" Hawkfrost said sternly

Ashfur was sudenley filled with shame, Hawkfrost was right. 

"N-no.....Im so sorry" Ashfur looked at the ground "Y-youre lucky you still have your Brother. mines died when we were kits along with my Mother, T-

"Tigerstar Killed her?"

Ashur looked astonished "Y-yes. How did you know?"

Hawkfrost looked to the lake.."Other cats in my clan always bullied me when Tigerstar did something wrong. I was just an apprentace....and i Already had enough guilt hanging over me already." 

Ashfur gasped "You have guilt? about what?"

Hawkfrost face saddened, Ashfur thought he was going to cry. "Im sorry, I didnt know it was so hard on you"

"its fine Ashfur." Hawkfrost purred "You didnt know."

"I understand Hawkfrost! Nobody understands the pain we're in! The proof is Squirrelflight! I mean I get why she dosent love me but. She NEVER cares to ask if im okay! I want her to suffer! To hate herself. Like I do!" Ashfur hissed

"That can be arranged!" Hawkfrost said slyly.


"You know thoose fox traps along the border?"

Ashfur relucteanly nodded

"What if  we get  Blazestrike trapped in one?" Hawkfrost said "I was planning to to this for Brambleclaws sake. get him to be deputy...but."

"You....mean...KILL....him?" Ashfur said

Hawkfrost grined devilishly and nodded

Ashfur was about to say no Blazestrike was his firend. His ONLY friend. but then thought about it. Blazestrike was Squirrelflights uncle. Killing him would Make her suffer, and isnt that what he wanted?

"Ill do It!"

"Alright" Hawkfrost purred steping up to Ashfur "Ill see you tomorrow"

Ashfur looked up at him. This was his first good look at him. H-hes Handsome...suprised he dosent have a mate...hes perfect!   "Y-Yeah! see you tomorrow H-Hawkfrost" Ashfur said blushing

Hawkfrost leaped away to camp. Ashfur went back, Thinking If he REALLLY wanted to Kill Blazestrike.

The Love I Deserve. A Hawkfrost x Ashfur fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now