Chapter 4

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The next day,  When Ashfur awoke, he was feeling more down then usual He turned to Blazestrike to se if hed FINALLY give him a therapy session. he paused remembering his  Talk with Hawkfrost.

I....I shouldent  He thoguht Knowin myself  Id most likely say something stupid  

He turned around and smack right into Squirrelflight. "oh my" He said startled "M-my apologies Squirrelflight" He fumbled

"are you sorry?" See asked

"Y-yeah of course!"

"Yeah im not buying it" Squirrelflight huffed "youre SOOOOOOOO Obsessed with me! you have been sulking since I rejected you!"

"Yeah but" Ashfur started but was cut off by Squirrelflight

"I dont want to hear it jeez it was two weeks! GET OVER IT!"

Ashfur got angry "ITS NOT THAT ESAY!" He hissed "Do you have ANY idea how much rejection can hurt" he finished holding back a sob

"uhm yeah. but stilll grow up!" 

Ashfur didnt understand why Squirrelflight was acting like this "Squirlf! please....Cant you see i just wanted someone to love me?"

"You think I care?!" 

Blazestrike saw this and ran to break it up "woah woah woah. Whats going on here?!"

"Ashfur is still obsessing over me!" Squirrelflight hissed

"All I did was bump into her!" Ashfur insisted

Blazestrike gave a tired sigh "look im over worked as it is. just apoligize to each other and carry on please"

Ashfur turned to Squirrelflight "Im sorry for bumping into you.."

Squirrelflight rolled her eyes "ugh fine. know what? NO! Im not apoligizing for foxdung! I did Nothing but tell the truth and im not giving YOU clout from ME! you can Leave for all I care! Id rather be me then be with the like of you"

Ashfur was barely holding it together 

"Ashfur..." Blazestrike says. But Ashfur just ran away crying 

The Love I Deserve. A Hawkfrost x Ashfur fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now