Chapter 5

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Ashfur ran and ran from camp not caring where he ended up. He stopped by the river and stared at his reflection and sobbed his heart out

"Ashfur?" Said a familiar voice

Ashfur flinched and saw Hawkfrost looking very worried. to Ashfurs surprise Hawkfrost ran up and hugged him "oh stars are you okay?"

Ashfur looked at him confused. Hawkfrost Blushed pulled back cleared his throat "I mean.. why are you crying" he said in his usual laid back voice

Ashfur took a deep breath "Squirrelflight..j-just...just yelled at me for "being obsessive" when all I did was bump into her. I mean, yeah I'm clingy but that's just because I don't want to be alone...I hate being alone.....please don't leave me alone..." He sobbed

Hawkfrost wrapped his tail around Ashfur to comfort him

"She should not have treated you like that, a sweet,sensitive,sad person like you. You deserve better than that mousebrained she-cat"

Ashfur tried his hardest to stop crying

"But nobody wants to be my mate."

"Pfft" laughed Hawkfrost "how can nobody love a cute funny sensitive tom like you?"

Hawkfrost saw the broken look on Ashfurs face and immediately felt guilty. He then considered something for a while, exhaled then said.

"Well I know someone who would want to be your mate" he said gently walking to look Ashfur in his eyes

"R-really? Who?"

Ashfur softly gasped as he saw the affection in Hawkfrosts eyes


The Love I Deserve. A Hawkfrost x Ashfur fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now