Chapter 5

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Okay, so I don't want any trouble. I know I haven't updated in what.. like almost a year? Ya .. I hope you all can be understanding and NOT HURT ME. So here is the next chapter! Thanks for your patience ...(:

Bzzz Bzzz

I faintly hear a buzzing to my left. Lifting my hand to rub my still closed eyes, I hear the sound again.

Bzzz Bzzz

Slowly opening my eyes I look to the side to see my phone ringing.


I sigh in happiness as I reach over and answer my cell phone.

"Hey" I say softly into the phone. I hear a chuckle that sends pleasant shivers down my spine. "Sleeping beauty has awakened!" he playfully said. A confused look slipped onto my face as I peeked over my blankets at the clock.

12:56 pm

I gasped and ran out of my room, only to see Chandler smiling happily at a puzzle at her feet with Sawyer at her side. My gaze continuing to sweep the apartment also found a grinning Roman, sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

Pressing the 'end' button on my phone, I smiled and skipped to where he was sitting. He was still grinning, but as I approached, the look turned into a confused one. Slowing my movements, I looked down at myself.

I was still sporting my attire from last night's date, shoes on and everything. I reached up to touch my face and felt the mascara smear onto my fingers. Not even wanting to look in the mirror at my reflection, I turned back to Roman.

"Why are you so dressed up? Did you go somewhere last night?" he chuckled at the last part, but seeing my unmoving face, it died down. I felt a small patch of guilt in the pit of stomach get bigger by the second. I had gone out with Holland, not even thinking of Roman at all. I'm a fool, I said to myself. Here he is, waiting for me to give him a chance, when I've already given one to someone else.

"Well, uh, I have things to do. It was good seeing you Adeline." He said, swiftly getting up and brushing past me. The hurt that struck me as he shut the door wracked my body and I was left standing in the middle of the living room even minutes after he had gone.

"Why don't you go get showered and the three of us can go to lunch?" Sawyer said, suddenly by my side. Chandler was slowly walking towards me, hands held loosely behind her back. I knelt down and picked her up, hugging her to me. She nuzzled my hair, wrapping her small arms around my neck. Sawyer put a hand on my shoulder and smiled weakly at me. I tried my best to smile back, but it didn't reach my eyes. Setting Chandler down, I drug my feet to my room to shower.

Stripping off the clothes I had worn the previous night and stepping into the shower, my thoughts were everywhere. Did I do anything wrong? It was one innocent date!

That you enjoyed, I said to myself.

I really liked Roman, but I felt as though I could feel the same way about Holland... ugh. I was so torn. Why can't I just have a simpler life!

Drying myself off, I slipped into my room and finished getting ready. Walking back out into the living room, I picked up my Chandler and walked towards the door Sawyer was holding open.

We walked into a small café and found a table in the back to sit at. Chandler quickly found the crayons and coloring page to entertain herself, while I waited for Sawyer to start questioning me. And he did.

"So, are we going to talk about what happened? Because neither of you seemed okay." He said calmly. I didn't even know how to start. He knew that me and Roman had a connection and didn't seem to question anything when I went out with Holland, so why is he acting as confused as me!?

"I feel guilty for going with Holland but I don't think I did anything wrong! Maybe I should go talk to him later, set things straight." I said the last part to myself. He needs to know that I had no intentions of perusing anything with Holland. At least.. I don't think I did. Man, this was all so conflicting.

"I think that's a good idea, maybe the nice dress and the fact that you fell asleep in it gave him the wrong idea? Both of them are nice guys, but I think Roman's intentions are a little more pure. You're old enough to where I don't need to look over your shoulder but I'll still be the overprotective brother. I'll also stand by you, whichever choice you make." He must read me like a freaking book because I didn't even tell him I was trying to make a choice!

I took his hand in mine and smiled sweetly at him. The waiter came then, interrupting the conversation, even though it was practically over. Ordering our food and switching to lighter subjects, the three of us enjoyed lunch as a small family.

Okay so the next chapter will be in someone else's POV!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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