More than enough

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A/N: Hey guys! sorry for any grammer/ spelling mistakes! Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1

"Adeline, your doing it again." Sawyer whispered to my ear as i regained focus on reality. Reality would be nothing but a hellish reminder of what happened almost three years ago, if it wasnt for Chandler. Chandler was my beautiful star that zoned me back in on what was important in my life. She unconciously reminded me everyday that Sawyer and myself were her stability in life. Sawyer was my twin brother, we shared the same bluish green eyes and the tan skin. He had his own lucious brown hair that had a red tint in the sunlight. He was strongly built with muscly arms and firmly shaped abs that were seen if he wore a tight shirt. We were eighteen and Chandler was two. Chandler. I adored her too much, her sleek golden blonde hair was identical to mine and we almost had the same birthmark, a tatto like mark just above our hips. She had different eyes though. Hers were like the birth stone Topaz, with just a hint more than the natural amout of yellow, dashed with sprinkles of brown. She had her father's eyes. Even though, undoubtably, she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, it killed me to see them daily. I had burned my stare deep into those same eyes before, about two years and eleven months ago to be exactly on the dot. I hate to recall the memory but it is so vivid in my mind that i play it back unconciously.

I was fifteen, perhaps forgeting that at the moment because i had alwasy erned to be older, make mistakes because my nieve mind told itself that nothing was perminant. How silly of me to think such a sinfully untrue thing. i was interlacing my fingers with Daniel, my boyfriend at the time, as he was urging me to leave the movie theatre and go with him to his car. He was a senior and i was jus ta freshman, of course i went with him. i nodded at my friend , who was watching the whole thing, and she mouthed me the words 'good luck!'. Ya, thanks for the luck. i turned and he lead me out of the building to his maroon Camero. i stared in awe at his car as he just smiled a cocky smile and proceded to pick me up and place me in the back seat. I was slightly jolted by his swift actions but went along with it like it was everyday stuff. Twenty minutes of his tounge whipping my mouth clean of all the 'no's about tonight just wasn't enough for him. He rushed the action of pushing his hands up my shirt and with one motion had ripped it off. "Um, thats enough for tonight Daniel. They will be wondering where we are" and i motioned to my shirt laying on the seat as he jumped up and was now straddeling my hips. I protested his movements, his slaps, his motives but it wasn't enough to keep him from raping me in that car. The whole time he was doing that, I had time to memorize the beautiful color of his eyes, Topaz.  Four hours later the movie theatre manager came to the car. The door was wide open and Daniel was long gone. He had what he wanted and didn't have the curtosy to do three things: One, clothe me before he left, Two, LEAVE me some clothes, Three, use a condom. That night had left me broken and vulnerable. The manager took off his shirt and wrapped it around my bruised and naked body and sat me up on the seat. I had not fallen unconcious, I had endured the whole thing with open eyes, and he seemed to know that. He wrapped his arms around me, not caring that i gave no indication of thanks,  then released me and spoke the most encouraging words that one could have sang to my ears, " I know you are in pain at this moment but i am here for you. i am going to call the police and your family and they will be here shortly. i am sorry this happend to you." and embraced me in another hug that seemed like poisin to the pain. He was around twenty- five and handsome as could be, not that i was looking at that at the moment. i nodded my head as tears raced down my cheek only to be soaked up by his bare- skinned shoulder. he let me go and reached for my cell phone he mush have seen under the cushion. He contacted the police first and then went into my phone book to call my parents. They all showed up simoltaniously and jumped out of their vehicals. My parents looked at me in discust as the young movie theatre manager comforted me by my side. Tears welded up in my eyes as I realized what was happening. My brother swung open the car door and sprinted to my side. " Oh my god, what happened?!" he turned to the man at my side. They spoke together off to the side of the scene as the parimedics got me some clothes and checked my injuries. I had a black eye, dozens of buises and red hand outlines across my face where he slapped me, punishing me for resisting. I glanced over at my parents ever so often, looking at the hatred that filled their hearts. WHen i was done, i went over to my mothers side, only to by slapped again. i pulled my hand to my face to show the pain. " Dirty skank, we tought you better than this." her words stung my ears as i averted my gaze to my father, his hand up behind his head as if to stike another blow to my already brutal looking face. he saw my tears and slowly put his hand by his side, looking away from me. i understood what this ment, abandonment. I crawled off to my brother and hid in his comforting arms, not wanting to see any other person. i wanted his arms around me, holding me tight and i wanted to stay thereuntil this horrid dream ended. Since my parents left me, they had no use for my brother either. They firgured that since i was 'rotten' then so was he, we were twins after all. We left our home with bags packed, not allowed to step foor in doorway, 'we weren't worthy'. Our gandmothrer greeted us with open arms and an understanding mind. She had long since hated my dad, he son, because of him hatred for anything 'imperfect'. We called her Rose, just because she hated being called a grandmother, even though she was sixty seven. We had been there not a week and i had remembered the fact that no condom was used. I ran to tell Rose and we soon had the results, pregnant. I was pregnant. i couldn't beleive this could happen, but it did. Nine months later we were greeted by Chandler, my daughter. I chose the name myself. Chandler was also the name of my sister who had died during birth. Even though she wasn't around, she still deserved to be named somewhere in the family. Chandler, i loved that name.

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