The Garden

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He groaned lowly, feeling a heavy prodding in his ribcage.

"Axl wake up."

"...Ffffuck off..." he growled, rolling over and burying his face into the couch cushion.

"Get up fuckhead or I'm gonna burn a hole in your neck with my cigarette."

Axl hissed, taking a boot off his foot, throwing it over his shoulder in his voice's direction, "Fuck off... Fuckin dirty mother fucker..."

Axl scrambled in irritation, snarling as he felt the boot come back and hit him in the arm, "HeEYY!!" he spat, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

His taller, pale, dark-haired friend stood in front of the couch, his hands on his hips, "C'mon fucker you're gonna make us late to work..!"

Axl brushed his wild red hair out of his face, "You can go... Lemme fuckin sleep.."

Izzy threw a pillow in his face, "No fucker you're gonna get fired!"

Axl hissed, tossing away the pillow, "So..? Then I..." he yawned, "Won't have to go to work at all..."

Izzy crossed his arms over each other, "Axl you're working at The Garden all night, and you don't got anywhere to go. You can't keep crashing at our flats forever."

Axl shrugged casually, scratching his neck, "I'm fine, sleep is for the weak anyway.. If you gotta problem with me here then I can just crash somewhere else for a while... Like Duff's..?"

Izzy gasped, "You wouldn't."

Axl snickered, "Hmm... I wonder if he's into dudes.." Izzy glared at him.

Axl had a devilish smirk on his face, he was always fully aware of his friend's attraction to men. Izzy had been his best friend since high school back in Indiana before they'd run away to Los Angeles, Axl always knew Izzy was gay since the day they met.

Izzy hadn't told him until about a year after, Axl didn't need him to, he always knew it, he also knew that Izzy had a crush on him in high school. But their relationship was always platonic, even after Axl was also bi.

The most that ever happened between them was that they would sometimes make out like dorks and giggle about it because they found it so weird and funny that they were enjoying kissing someone the same gender as them. Let alone their best friend, who they both considered to be good-looking.

But neither were particularly attracted to each other now, but Axl knew full well about Izzy's head-over-heels infatuation to their friend and coworker Duff McKagan. Duff was a bartender at the same nightclub they both worked at as waiters, The Garden. He just started working there after his drug dealer friend, good patron of the club, and friend of Axl and Izzy, Steven Adler, mentioned to him six months ago the opening of bartender, which he quickly accepted.

The final group dynamic change was about a month after Duff's arrival, a new struggling guitarist Duff knew began showing up at the club and playing music for quick cash. His name was Saul Hudson, but everybody called him Slash, and nobody knew quite why, and nobody really knew if he had any other job other than playing that guitar.

Anyway back to Duff. Izzy really really liked him. Anytime Axl saw him pass by the tall blonde he never saw his eyes leave him. He blushes any time Duff compliments him, Axl was pretty sure he was in love with the guy.

Axl had no idea if Duff was straight or, fruity, he knew that he liked chicks, he'd flirt with them when they came in, Izzy would get jealous, but he never could tell if he liked guys. He never flirted with dudes, and he was pretty unaware when Izzy seemed to be really obvious with his attraction to him. If Duff liked Izzy, he hid it very well.

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