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             Axl leaned over the table to clean it as it's resident had left for the bathroom, leaving his coat in his seat. He swiftly took a wallet out of the jacket pocket, swiping a handful of cash and he crammed it down his shorts, trusting it to be the safest place on him that nobody would search until he was raped. 

He glanced at the little baggy full of speed and he snatched it too, hiding it with the money and figuring if he didn't want it he could just as easily lend it over to his druggie friends or sell it to Steven, who may or may not use it or sell it at a higher price. He briskly finished cleaning up the table and dried off his hands, returning to his work. 

He set off to an unattended looking booth. Around the table sat three men, all around early forties-ish, one of which with a half-naked girl in his lap, kissing the man's neck as he seemingly payed no attention to her and continued laughing and talking to his companions. 

Axl leaned against the back rest, "Hey there, any of you handsome gentlemen care to order any drinks?" The one on the edge closest to him seemed to be taking his dear sweet time looking Axl up and down. Axl smirked, "Y'know baby you keep undressin me with your eyes I'm gonna catch a cold." 

The man grinned, "I'll take a tray of scotch if you don't mind, and I'd stick around or I'll keep hollerin for you to come back." 

Axl smirked deviously, "Mm honey please, men like you are always calling me back for more." He strutted off, being sure for his ass to sway as he walked as he could feel the man's eyes following him as he wandered off. He walked up to the bar, "Hey Duffy I need a tray of scotch." 

Duff raised an eyebrow, "A whole tray? Somebody's thirsty." 

Axl grinned, flipping his hair, "Only for me babe." 

"Are you really doing that thing again? You're basically prostituting yourself Axl." 

"Its only prostitution if its sex, and I'm technically not having sex and I get really good tips." 

"Oh whatever."

"Oh c'mon Duffles its not like you've never felt like splurgin a little for what you want."

"If I want it I don't gotta pay to get it."

"Well sure 'cause Izz'd blow you for free," Axl muttered under his breath, taking the tray of drinks from the blonde before he could ask what he had mumbled.

Axl returned to the booth and the guy whistled, "Damn thought you wouldn't make it." 

Axl grinned, "Oh baby I could never forget your pretty face," he lied. The man was decent looking for his age, relatively thin, his brown hair beginning to gray and minor wrinkles forming in the corners of his eyes.

The man smirked, "C'mere babydoll you got a sharp tongue enough for me, come sit 'ere a while," he scooched over, making space for Axl to sit on the edge of the booth. 

Axl crossed one leg over the other and cast long, smutty looks toward the man as he was engaged in conversation with his friend. Axl tapped his foot on his ankle, stroking sensually up and down his leg. "You're a slutty little minx aren'tcha," he asked, turning to look Axl in the eyes. 

Axl closed his eyes with a smirk, biting his lip and rolling his neck back. "Mhm." The man went to place his hand on Axl's leg when Axl grabbed his wrist firmly. He tightened his clasp on him, "Look all you want. No touch." 

Axl shoved his hand away, snapping his fingers in front of his eyes to make him flinch. Axl brushed his hand down his arm, "I gotta go back to work sweetheart." He winked, getting up from the table. 

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