See you later

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            Axl picked his head up sleepily as he felt movement, "Hnn?" he mumbled groggily. It was still very dark outside, if he had to guess, it must've only been an hour or two since he fell asleep. Slash, who had been comfortably resting next to him, no, it would be wrong to beat around the bush, who had been spooning him in his sleep, was stirring.

Slash sat up, looking at him. He kissed Axl's lips softly, gently combing his fingers through his red hair, "Shhh, go back to sleep... You're such a light sleeper..." 

Axl yawned, blinking at him tiredly, "Where're you going?" 

Slash twirled the ends of Axl's hair, "I just got an appointment.." 

Axl narrowed his eyes, "I hope you know if you're trying to ghost me this is your apartment and you're not dragging me outta here if you came home with a girl." 

Slash laughed, kissing his eyes, "I'm not, I'll be back before nine, I promise.. Just go back to sleep and I'll be back before you even wake up."

Axl furrowed his eyebrows with a frown, "Fucker. Leaving me all alone in your bed. Cold and naked and alone..." he sighed dramatically.

Slash bit his lip, kissing Axl's jaw, "As appealing as it sounds, I still gotta go. So go find my weighted blanket and a hot water bottle and maybe one of my snakes and it'll be like I was still here." 

Axl rolled his eyes, "Oh yes, I'll cuddle with a python because I'm cold. Scales are very comforting."

Slash snickered, sitting up, letting his feet fall to the floor and picking up a pair of jeans from the floor. Axl gazed at his back, proud of the claw-marks he had left on his body. They weren't just scratches, he had not only scratched him, he had utterly shredded up his back. Really ripped him up, like a vicious cat would to a dog. Axl took pride in it. 

Axl traced his pinky finger down a particularly long scratch across his spine. Slash flinched away, "A-agh!" he growled in alarm, "That stings, man..!" 

Axl grinned, "How in fuck's name did you manage to sleep with a blanket on your back?" 

Slash stood up to hop into his pants, "Oh, it ached like fuck, I kept twitching and throbbing, I think I got blood on my sheets, but I eventually fell asleep." 

"Hm. How so?" 

"You uh, kept stroking me." 

"Aw so I lulled you to sleep?" 

"Don't make fun of me, it's nice, it's slow and rhythmic and gentle.. But I'm not sure how I'm gonna put a shirt on with all this dried blood shit on my back. You fucking ripped me up like a cat toy." 

Axl shrugged, "You said you wanted me to mark you up baby," he replied arrogantly.

Slash chuckled, pulling a shirt over his head, "Well I gave you about four hickeys all of which able to be seen in the clothes you regularly wear so suck my dick, bitch."

Axl smirked, running his tongue over his teeth with a smutty click of his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "You don't gotta tell me twice sweetheart."

Slash slipped black and grey striped socks onto his feet underneath his high-tops, fixating the belt on his waist. "Okay," Slash kissed Axl's forehead, tucking him in back under the blankets up to his neck. "See you later baby."

Axl tossed about under the sheets. Dammit, why'd Slash have to go and leave? I was all warm and cozy when he was here, like a snuggly little kitten. It was great. Then that stupid fucker had to go and leave. Now I'm all cold. Granted, he had managed to drift off briefly again into a restless sleep, but it didn't take very long until he was awake again. I don't get it. I never needed a warm body to fall asleep until now. Never. Then that mother fucker had to go and fuck me and cuddle with me and I can't sleep. 

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