- prologue -

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Water, lots of it. It was consuming her. Stealing every precious memory she had ever held dear but also those moments she could barely cling on to. The torture. She had no clue what was happening. Stuck in this place she had no recognition of. She didn't know what she was, who she was. Nor did anyone else. No one cared enough to remember.

Regaining her consciousness hurt even more. The pain inside her head. Her precious souvenirs from all of the times she had ever felt anything were being stripped away from her. She desperately tried to grasp hold of thoughts she had left but it didn't work. Her mind was being wiped clean. There was nothing for her to think of. Nothing at all.

Suddenly, she could hear something, playing at the back of her head. It played over and over again but she couldn't hear it clearly. It was a voice. Repeating itself, like a sort of chant. Of course, she didn't know if it was real. She didn't know if anything was real at all. Was it all just one big hallucination? She couldn't create differences between reality and fantasy in her head. She couldn't create anything.

Finally, it all stopped. She felt released. The weight of the agony was removed from atop her. She still couldn't recognise anything. Her mind was still bare. She began falling. Falling into this darkness, this abyss, she couldn't escape. The voice immediately stopped. Her eyes opened.

"It's a girl?"

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