Chapter 7 - Sunsetz

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~ song: sunsetz - cigarettes after sex ~


Throughout the afternoon, I helped Frypan and the other cooks wash up the lunch plates and the begin to prepare dinner. 

"So, missus," Fry stood beside me as we chopped the carrots together, "You feeling okay?" He asked. He was a nice boy. Kind. "Yes, thank you" I replied, "I just want answers, you know?" Looking towards him, in search for agreeance, which I very much received. "Oh honey, we all do, trust me," He patted me on the shoulder, "We'll get them sometime, sister.

As the food was cooking, Fry had told me to relax and do something nice for half an hour, given that my life was 'rather stressful' at the minute. I don't disagree with him but I didn't want special treatment; However, I was in no state to turn down some time to just rest. 


My work had come to an end, so I decided to go and check up on Beth. I walked through the pasture as the sun gently crept towards the South wall. I made it to the Homestead and there she was, sat outside. I flumped down beside her in exhaustion, and I could tell she was feeling similar. 

"Do you know how long dinner will be?" I ask Beth, not realising that it probably shouldn't have been my first question. "Is someone hungry?" She snickered, turning to face me. "No," I blurted out, "Well, yes, but I wanted to show you something beforehand." She nodded at me sarcastically as I chuckled. "We've got about 40 minutes or so," Beth said, looking down at her hands. I grab her left and say, "Come on then."


We ran hand in hand, through to the forest, laughing the whole way. "Where the hell are we going?" I say, between breaths. "Excuse your language, it's shuck, not hell," He told me off, "I know a spot." 

We got to the far wall at the end of the forest and there was a ladder on it. Newt climbed up, cautiously, which suprised me, given the immense contrast to the eagerness he'd had the whole way. I followed after him and it took us to a platform between two trees. It didn't look incredibly stable but I didn't really care. Newt sat down on the edge at the front, looking across the Glade. I perched down beside him and lay my head on his shoulder, catching my breath. 

The sun just sat on the far wall, radiating multiple beautiful colours as Newt says, "It's pretty, isn't it," I nodded softly and just watched. We just waited for a while, taking everything in. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the blonde's blinking was beginning to slow. 

"I have a question," I asked him, still lying against his shoulder. "Hm?" Newt mumbled, faintly. "What do I look like?" With that he shot up and turned to face me, studying me quickly. "Shit, you got up quick." He rolled his eyes at me. "Sorry," I corrected myself, "Shuck, you got up quick." He nodded. 

"Why do you want to know?" Newt asked, looking at me in confusion. I assume this wasn't  a question normal greenies asked. "I've lost so much of myself: my memory, my personality and I have to rebuild it all," I explained, "but I've always looked the same."


"I guess, you've got brown hair?" I said, wearily, "Brown eyes." She rolled her eyes, unsatisfied by my response. "That works," She said, "but, sorry, I've seen you staring at me and there must be something you're looking at."

She had big brown eyes, beautiful rosy cheeks, an enchanting smile with perfect teeth. Long, full hair flowed down her back with a dozen different colours. Her figure was gorgeous and proportionate with strong arms and legs, soft and clear tanned skin and she radiated such a wonderful energy it was lovely to be around. 

"Well?" She asked, looking into my eyes with a cheeky smile on her face. "You are simply.. pulchritudinous." She laughed and shook her head. "And what the shuck does that mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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