Chapter One - Greenie

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~ song: where is my mind - pixies ~


"It's a girl," A strong British accent came. Loads of voices towered on top of one another. My eyes opened slowly, revealing a blinding sunlight from above. I looked around quickly, only to reveal boys, lots of them. A blonde haired, slender boy jumped down into the dark pit in which I was trapped. He seemed sweet, gentle.

"You okay?" He whispered to me. I nodded stiffly whilst admiring the rowdy crowd of teenage boys that were up on the surface. Multiple sexist remarks were made, too many to recollect. "Pull her up, Newt, I want to see her," Some boy shouted, followed by much laughter from the others.  Newt? What kind of name is that? "Come on, we'll sort you out."

This blonde boy picked me up and pulled me out of the horrible box. I looked around, suddenly panicked. Four large, extremely tall walls encapsulated us into this field. There was a sinister looking crack in the wall but I was about to start properly inspecting it when, "Here," Newt gestured to a dark skinned older boy that had been standing apart from the other, younger looking boys, "This is Alby, our leader, he'll let you know all you need to, I'll see you around greenie." The Newt boy directed the other boys to get back to work as he walked away as well. The crowd dispersed, leaving just Alby and myself stood alone in the concrete prison. "Shall we walk and talk?"

"We call this The Glade, a home of sorts," Alby began, "We eat here, sleep here, build our own shelter." What the man had said, made sense but it was really hard to accept. It had to be a dream. Or a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Suddenly my world went dark. The light in my eyes flickered, and my body turned numb. As I fell to the ground, I could hear the man shout something when my mind went black.

"My name is- , Subject A0 of The Maze Trials, directed by WICKED. I am to forget everything I have previously known and only remember the following sentence: I am- , I am here to get us out of here, or die trying."

A video played in my mind. A young, brunette girl was saying these words on the screen. I remembered it to be the same face I'd seen in the mirror until suddenly, the video disappeared and I was left in a void once again.

Water, lots of it. It was consuming her. Stealing every precious memory she had ever held dear to her but also those moments she could barely cling on to. The torture. She had no clue what was happening. Stuck in this place she had no recognition of. She didn't know what she was, who she was. Until she did.

I am- , I am here to get us out of here or die trying.

"She's awake!" A male voice had said. I awoke gently, just to be blinded with sunlight shining directly on my face. Once my eyes had readjusted, I saw a tall, tanned boy stood beside me, who I assumed had been the one announcing I had awoken. He had a calming voice, and curly black hair. "Hello," He said, continuing to stare at me, which had now become slightly weird. "Hello.." I said, slightly confused, "Who are you?" He finally shook his head and snapped out. "Sorry, I- I'm Jeff, that's Clint," He pointed toward the doorframe where a pale boy with curly brown hair stood, looking about the same age as the other boy.

"Do you know who you are?" Jeff asked me, as the man from earlier walked in. "Hello Alby," I say, ignoring the boy's question, simply because I had no answer.

"Hello, Greenie. You took quite the turn didn't you?" Alby said, letting out a soft chuckle and it painted a smile on my face, even though I was feeling quite the opposite inside; the best I could do was just pretend. "So, should we continue our tour?"

As we exited the building Alby had referred to as the Medhut, I let the reality of the walls around me actually soak in. There seemed to be a rather large opening in the middle of one of them but what lay beyond looked incredibly unpleasant so I didn't mention it just yet. As I turned to Alby, he began to speak, "Usually this talk would be man to man, however this month it seems to be quite different, hm?" He asked with a smile on his face. Month. So the arrival of someone new must be a monthly thing. Up to this point, I had already come to the conclusion I was the only girl. After thinking for a moment, I gently nodded to Alby, allowing him to continue speaking. "Well then, I shall introduce you to someone else who can give you a tour because I have a lot of things to do?"

Alby and I walked through the pasture, towards the box from which I came. As we approached I managed to make out a figure. It was the boy that had previously pulled me out from said box. We walked up and Alby greeted him, warmly. "Hello, Newt this is... Sorry I never caught your name?" He said looking at me, rather embarrassed. "Oh, I'm-" I paused. I tried to rack my brain for any knowledge I had but it was completely blank for some reason. "It's okay, Alby, we'll figure it out on the way, won't we, Love?" Newt said, looking into my eyes with a sweet smile on his face.

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