Chapter 6 - Patient

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~ song: saline solution - wilbur soot ~


Walking into the Medhut was something that I did on the rare occasion and it wasn't the most enjoyable thing usually. I don't have tendencies to injure myself like the majority of the builders, a fair few of the slicers and a couple of the runners. My job didn't contain as many risk factors.

"What've you done, Newt?" Clint asked, looking up from whatever sheet of paper he'd been studying. "Not much, just cut my arm," I rolled my eyes, letting out a soft chuckle. "No worries, actually," He paused, looking down at his watch, "Elizabeth are you able to treat him, you're definitely capable, it's just that Jeff and I have to go and see Alby quickly?" Clint asked, looking to Beth.

"Yeah, that's fine," Beth said, getting up from the stool she'd been sat on in the corner. As the pair of Medjacks exited the room, Beth fumbles through multiple drawers in search of something. "Sorry, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing," She stuttered, letting out a sigh. "It's fine take your time," I started, in attempt to reassure her, "Besides, it gets me off work for a little while longer," I chuckled. So did she.

Beth placed her stool in front of me and sat down, medical supplies very dangerously balanced in her arms. "So.." She started, looking down at my arm, "How've you done this?" She started wiping it gently. I winced in pain as the saline solution seeped into my wound. The girl looked up at me with her large brown eyes, in concern. "You okay?" She asked, quickly. I nodded and laughed lightly. "It's fine I promise."


I finished up patching up Newt's cut and that took us up until lunchtime. "Would you like to sit with us to eat again?" The blonde asked as we walked out of the Medhut as a pair. "Yeah sure," I reply, as we walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, pretty lady," Fry called out, as Newt and I got closer. He handed us two silver plates, once again and we sat down at the table we'd sat at earlier

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