The girls new powers

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Back at the hospital*

The girls moan

Joanna: I don't feel well...

Bonne-i am. But what happened ?

Clarissa: I'm not sure.

Lilligant marrill and masquerain came in with their jewelpets

trio- Ligant ! Marrill ! Masq !

Petite: Are you girls alright?!

Joanna pets lilligant and speaks

Joanna: I think we are...

Clarissa held phantasma & masquerain

Clarissa: How come we're not sick anymore?

Bonne held marrill & Flossie-is anybody as thirsty as i am ?

Joanna: Same here.


They returned to the strawberry cafe.

Bonne-what do you think it was ?

Clarissa: I had no idea.

Joanna guesses

Joanna: Did the drink not poison us?

Petite- Maybe it was the heat outside !

Joanna: Maybe.

Lilligant-ligant ?

Clarissa: Well let's have some drinks.

Then Reggie came over with the same new drinks

Reggie: These are the better drinks girls.

Bonne-not poisoned this time rigit ?

Reggie: Nope, Rudy and Shorty checked twice

Bonne- Ok. I trust my rudy

They drink the drinks*

But then they started to sparkle

Joanna looks: Huh? What's happening?

Bonne looks at her arm- Is it me or am i sparkling like glitter ?

Clarissa: Same with me!

Bonne-whats going on ?

Joanna: I'm transforming!

Clarissa-us too !

The customers looked at them shining bright

Rudy looks: Babe?!

Their pokemon & jewelpets gasped

Petite: Master?!

Joanna's fur hair & tail turn rose pink , her hair is put up in a high ponytail with a blue flower

Joanna: Oh my!

She sees her outfit change

Joanna: What happening to me?!

Her new outfit is a short sleeved dark pink & ice blue dress with dark pink ankle boots and ice blue stockings

Bonne's hair became longer to her knees , dark blue with a pink streak , her eyes as well , her sugary pink skin turned sugary ice blue

bonne-goodness !

Flossie: Oh my!

Bonne's outfit is aqua blue : a strapless dress with dark blue gloves , matching aqua thigh high heeled boots with candy sapphires on her dress and boots , as well as her earrings

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