Unhypnotizing Savy

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Back in Greed*

The Mafia sharks are almost done putting the money in the car*

Smarty watched

Crimson: Okay, just two more bags and we'll head home.

Moxxie came nervously: Hello father.

They look.

Crimson: Well look who came crawling back in Greed, why are you here Moxxie?

Moxxie: Please father, release my cousin from the spell, she doesn't deserve this.

Crimson: She hasn't killed one thing, but now she did.

Smarty growled

Sweet tooth and the other three are here, Sweet tooth sneakfully went towards Crimson's back pocket"

Moxxie: Sir please if you let her go I'll join back in the Mafia.

Smarty and the others watch

Sweet tooth successfully got the in hypnosis spell paper and went to the others

Crimson: You think that would work Moxxie? I'm not letting her go, and besides, who's gonna stop me for making Savy the greatest Mafia killer in all of hell?

Smarty glared

Charles came out: I will.

Crimson looks: Well look who's here in hell with me. *looks* And I see the weaselings and the heroes are here too.

Smarty- You've gone way to far with my wife asshole !

Mia sadly watched

Charles: And it was uncool to snitch on my wife jerk bag! I'm here to return the favor..

Crimson glares: You will try... Boys! Scarla! Destroy them! I'll deal with Charles!

Sweet tooth hid

The Mafia attacks them*

Savy used her machine gun*

Smarty dodged- Savy !snap out of it ! This isnt you !

Savy: I'm not Savy, I'm Scarla!

Vincent: Sweet tooth, where's the paper?!

She gave it to him from under the car

Vincent looks at it: I can't pronounce these words!

Smarty-try goddamnit !

Moxxie: I'll help! Keep her distracted!

Blitzo throws jam at the machine gun and it's jammed*

Savy growled and takes out two machetes*

Smarty shot at one machete- hurry the fuck up !

Moxxie reads it: baw-kaw, bohn-dyay, kahl-foo...

Savy tried to slice Blitzo but Blitzo dodges*

Blitzo: Sis I'm impressed with you finally kill someone, but this isn't you!

Savy: You don't know who I am!!

Smarty- Yes we do ! You're a kindhearted princess ! A good mother and sister ! A best friend ! A talented mage. Youre...you're my wife !

As Savy tries to fight him, her head hurts as Moxxie is breaking the hypnosis*

Moxxie: l-wah, mahm-bo, oo-on-gah, pah-pah leg-ba!!

Savy yells as she falls on the ground*

Smarty-savy ?

he bent to her

Smarty- Honey ?

Mia and the others watched

Savy wakes up: Huh? Honey? Ah... *holds her head* What happened? Where am I?

Sweet tooth- You fell for Crimson's hypno trick dum dum !

Savy: What?!

Crimson fights Charles: You should've made her kill someone Charles! Then Savy wouldn't be in my control!

Charles: Not this time Crimson! *takes the dart off his neck*

Crimson's eyes turned normal: Huh? What happened?

Charles pins his neck on the wall: I've been waiting to do this Crimson! *holds knife*

Mia gasped- No ! Dont !

Savy grabbed his hand: Charles, don't, he's still family, Please don't do it.

Charles looked at her, he sighed*

Charles: Your lucky Savy is here to give you a chance, But I'll give you this. *punches him on the eye*

Mia looked

Crimson hold his eye as Charles let him go*

Charles: Now we're even.

Crimson growls*

Chaz: Phew that was close as the wind accidentally blew his hood off*

The Mafia sharks gasped*

Crimson: What?! You're alive?!

Mia watched

Chaz chuckles nervously: Yep, I survived... Fake my death...

Crimson was about to take his gun out*

Issac got in front of him: No uncle! You can't kill him! He's under our protection now and you can't kill him, he's part of our family now.

Crimson growls: Your lucky you get to live... But get near my wife again and I'll kill you for sure...

Chaz gulped*

Morty- Speaking of your wife you tried to rape her when she slapped you

Crimson looks at her*

Malikai: Let me tell you something Crimson, you can't force Savy what to do, you should let her be who she is, and you should listen to your wife more, she needs your love and support, so get up and make it up to your wife and make things right.

Mia looked

Crimson: Fine...

Thyst: Well we should go back home now, care to open the portal back to dark town my love?

Amora- oh yes

she makes the portal

Mia clearly very upset about today and so disappointed in him shaking her head before she decided to fly off back home

But before she could Crimson grabs her hand*

Moxxie waves: Bye mom bye dad love you both!

Mia looked

Mia waved bye as the heroes along with Stu and Sweet tooth left*

Charles went back home*

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