Mr. Big defeat

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Back with the kids, they arrived at the tower*

The two Rockies guard the entrance*

Priscilla-this is stupid

Topser: You two distract the guards.

Jenny emabarrassed-i hate yooooouuu.

The Rockies see the two women, they drooled and wolf howled*

Priscilla-i better get something outta this

Jenny- Me too

Spike is behind the two Rockies and he bonked their heads together*


She left

Priscilla went to change too*

Then they came back out in their clothes

Jenny-good to be back in skinny jeans and a leather jacket

Priscilla: Yep.

Spike: I like your look babe.

Jenny-i hate you guys so much for making me do that i really do

Spike: But I love the cave woman outfit babe...

She turned red and became anime angry

Jenny- you would but i dont like you sleazy biker ! first my ass and now my legs !!!

Spike kisses her*

Jenny-mmm !

Spike gives her a hot kiss*

She blushed and kiss back

Maisie and Snagalola: Awwwww!

Jenny-shut up !

Rex: Let's go inside.

They went in and see some sad dinosaur people in their cells*


Rex: Poor dinosaurs, looks like they're arrested by Mr. Big.

Robbie: We need to free them.


Maisie sees a Rockie guard: I got this one.

They look

Maisie turns into her raptor form and went behind the Rockie*

Maisie: Hey there.

The Rockie turned around and sees Maisie in her raptor form*

Maisie: Boo!

The Rockie screamed and accidentally hit his head on the wall and was knocked out*


Maisie got the keys, they start freeing the dinosaur people as the dinosaur people left*

Rex looked in the cell to see a familiar face*

Rex: Well look who's here.

They look

It was his father King*

Jenny- Huh. Well what do ya know ?

King: Son.... Is that you?

Rex: It was not cool for you to join Mr. Big.

Topser-yeah no shit

King: Son... At the party, Mr Big put a hypnosis pill in my drink, he made me do what I told him, after I broke free, I kept thinking about you son.

Jenny- No wonder you cted funny

King: Son...Can you ever forgive me?

They look

Rex sighed: Yes father.

King hugged his son*

Priscilla-ok lets get this thing over with

King: You all go stop him, I need to destroy this tower

Time skip...

Rubinia tries to get free: Stop! Your hurting me!

Mr. Big: Then marry me, or be forced!

Rubinia: I'll never be yours!

Mr big- What ?! Why !

Rubinia: I'm in love with someone else!

Mr big- who?!

???-me !

It was Rex and the others*

Jenny-whats up ?

Mr. Big: Well if it isn't the son of King, your too late, she will be mine! Rockies! Stop them!

Jenny-looks like its up to the stronger people to do this job.

Ice cube-unlike someone

They started to fight them*

They fight

Rex punched Mr. Big: This is for controlling my father!

topser-yeah !

Mr. Big growled*

Rex punches him again: And this is for ruining Pangaea!

Maisie whacks the Rockies*

Rex: And this is for kidnapping my girl! *punches him one last time*

Mr Big fell out the window and screamed as he fell in the tar pool*

Jenny- Yikes thats terrifying

Mr. Big tries to swim out: You've haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back!! And I will get revenge on you heroes!! *as he sinks to his death*

Jenny- Well thank god

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