Yellow talks to Pineapple

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Back with Alli and his friends*

Gregory: I can't wait to see Oddworld!

Duckie: Yeah! Plus they have bumper cars!

They cheer

Vultureman chuckles*

They arrived at Oddworld*

Ada: Look at the lookies guys!

Tammy-wow !

Cassie: They look so cute!!

Gregory- Yeah !

Tupper picks up a red one: They love being petted. *pets it*

Duckie-yeah !

Orange looks: Hey Alli! Hi guys!

Kids-hey !

Green holds Fern: You kids are here to have some fun with us?

Tammy-yeah !

They see combusken

Purple: Whoa, did your sister evolve Alli?

Tammy-yeah ! She turned into combusken !

Blue smiles: Congratulations!

Combusken-bus !

Pineapple is in his nest with Yellow*

Yellow blushed

Pineapple: Isn't my next cozy up on this rock?


Pineapple nuzzled her*

Yellow-oh !

Pineapple: You are so beautiful my dear.

She blushed-really ?

Pineapple: Yes really.

Yellow smiled-thamks but i didnt think orange thought so

Pineapple: Yes?

YEllow- You see. We've known each other since we were humans. I tried to help

Pineapple listens*

Yellow- i tried to help him with his eating habits but he pushed me away

Pineapple: I see.

Yellow-as monsters i tried to make him jealous but he took it the wrong way and cheated on me with an anime girl

Pineapple; What do you mean take it the wrong way?

Yellow-he thought i cheated on him

Pineapple: Oh I'm gonna teach him a lesson!

Yellow-then he said i was bossy i ate like a pig and called me a bitch

Pineapple growls*

Yellow-i was so heartbroken i left for 2 years

Pineapple: Hey, you have me babe.

Yellow remembers Squeaky too*

It was a good thing she told both of them

Yellow- but how will i know you wont hurt me too?

Pineapple: Hey, I'm a failure pilot, I fear my life of trying to fly a helicopter or a plane.

She looks

Pineapple feels sad*

Yellow- I dont think you're a failure

Pineapple looks*

Yellow blushed- to be honest, unlike orange you tried to follow your dreams and make something of yourself. A coward would be afraid to do that

Pineapple smiles: Thanks babe...

She blushed more

Pineapple- Also... You're brave, adventurous, gentlemanly, daring, funny and cute

Pineapple smiles: Aw shucks.

Yellow- Your human and monster form is so handsome . Your voice is even cuter than orange.

Pineapple: Yes it is.

She then kissed his beak

Pineapple smiles*

Yellow blushed & pulled away- Sorry about that

Pineapple: It's okay. I like it.

She looked

Pineapple kisses her head*

Yellow-oh !

Pineapple smiles*

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