Mr. Big revived

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She kissed him back as he felt her let go of her

Spike: What's up babe?

Jenny chuckled- your "friend" down there

Spike: What friend?

He realized what she meant as she looked down

Spike: Ah! *covers it* Sorry about that babe.

She chuckled and left before she heard him say something about her rear and legs

Spike: But your rear and legs turned me soooo on babe...

She stopped and gave him the same death stare blushing

Spike chuckles*

Alli: What we miss Mama?

Maisie: It's a long story kids.

Topser looks around: Charlene? Charlene are you around?

Charlene-topser !

Topser looks: Charlene! *runs to her*

They hug.

Topser: I miss you babe..

Charlene-me too

Forry flew into snagalola's arms

Forry: I miss you so much darling...

Rubinia and rex snuggle

Jenny points- As for you ! Cuz you had me showing my legs ! I dont wanna look at you for a week ! No talking for a month ! I dont even wanna hear you breathe

Rubinia: Okay, I can handle it.

Maisie pets Alli's head: Well I'm glad things are normal again, anything we missed?

Tigs: Oh just Crimson finally made Savy kill someone and she's dressed as an imp.

Jenny- great

Rubinia: Okay?

Savy: Yeah, and meet Sweet tooth guys

They look

Sweet tooth waves Hi*

Sweet tooth-hey

They waved hi*

Alli: Oh! Mama! Torchic finally evolved!

Maisie gasped: She has?!

Combusken appeared- Combusken !

Maisie gasps: My baby! You grew!

Pokedex- combusken. a combustion pokemon.evolved from torchic combusken lets out the hottest fire breath and can run up mountains at great speed with its powerful legs

Tupper: Combusken is older!

Combusken-bus !

Maisie speaks

Maisie has tears: I'm so happy you grew sweetie.

Rudd- So did uncle titos treecko !

Tito: Si! Look!

They see grovyle with his toothpick comes over

They are amazed*

Tanner: Whoa!


Jacinth: Not bad!

Rubinia: That is cool.

Scappy: Now we can relax now.

Mxes winks at the audience*

But however with VES*

Emerald, Harland and Nefarious started digging*

Jenner: Are you sure this is the place where Mr. Big died?

Callista- Dont question me.

Harland hit something: I think I found something!

Callista went over to him

It was the skeleton of Mr. Big*

Callista- There he is

Dominator: How do we revive him, he knows about Corvorte, the pokemon we needed.

Callista- Which is why need to ressurect him! So he can tell us where is he

Nefarious holds the body resurrection gun"

Nefarious: I got this.. *fires the ray on him*

Mr. Big's body starts having flesh and organs in him again*

They watch

Mr. Big is finally restored*

Mr. Big: Where am I? What year is it?

Callista-2023 and youre with us

Mr Big looks: Who are you?

Callista-im callista the Cosmonette and i need you

Mr. Big: For what?

Callista-you know about the purgatory pokemon corvorte

Mr. Big smirks: Why yes I have.

Callista smirked-im glad you do

Mr. Big holds a tracker location: I managed to put a tracker on the pokemon millions of years ago, and look at this, it's somewhere in hell.


Mr. Big: This is the start of a nice team up....

The end

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