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Fun fact: the former name of this chapter was called "Help" but I didn't manage to fit the help part

Stupid things were filling up Pureheart's mind as she walked into the clearing for the clan meeting. Wondering what was going on hadn't crossed her mind. Yet it had probably crossed the mind of other cats.

Do I have any furs sticking out? We're those dock leaves starting to get old? The nursery smelled disgusting!

She sat near the edge of the clearing. Since most of the spots near the leader was full. She paid all her attention to Fernstar. Well, pretended to.

"I have called a clan meeting today..."

Did I make Currenttail uncomfortable when I sat next to him yesterday? What if he's germaphobic?

"Monarchwing has decided..." Pureheart had only paid attention to a bit, "Ceremony to find a new mentor for..."

It's kind of chilly today. Do cats think I'm too loud? I could go for another magpie.

"I have decided to mentor Emberpaw myself."

I wonder if barn mice taste better than the mice in our territory... Wait, what?!

Pureheart froze as she repeated Fernstar's sentence to herself. Fernstar hadn't taken an apprentice in forever, her last one was probably before Pureheart was even born!

And she chose Emberpaw. The singular apprentice of FreeClan... was it because she thought she was the only one that could teach her? Pureheart pondered the question through out the meeting as Emberpaw touched noses with Fernstar.

Lucky you. The things I would do to be a leader's apprentice. Even though I'm a medicine cat.

Pureheart shook her head to herself as she gave a smile to Emberpaw, who was in her den not too long ago.

"Clan meeting dismissed."

Now I need more comfrey... she thought abruptly.

Pureheart started to head out of camp while other cats dispersed to who knows where. She took a glance back to Emberpaw and Fernstar. Along with Currenttail who sat in the clearing near them, before heading outside and into FreeClan's territory.

Free of the crying kits, the complaining elders, the dramatic warriors and apprentices. Free of the bitter smell of the medicine den and the hint of fought off diseases.

Free of FreeClan.

Pureheart sniffed the air for the familiar tangy smell of comfrey. It was getting stronger as she figured it was nearby.

But there was also another tangy smell, and it wasn't herbs. Well, it was. But not just herbs. A cat that was probably near herbs!

Pureheart looked around cautiously, the cat wasn't in sight. It could've been another medicine cat, but she had memorized all their scents. Maybe an apprentice? No, she would have figured that out too.

She sighed, she wasn't going to waste her time looking for someone she may or may not attack. She decided she would just tell Fernstar, let the warriors deal with it. As long as they weren't taking her comfrey!

Speaking of the said comfrey she was thinking about the whole time, she had finally spotted it. There wasn't a lot of harvestable ones. But it would do. If she had too many anyways it would die and be a waste.

That was unless something happened to everyone that she would have to use a lot of comfrey.

That wouldn't happen though. It was a very slim chance.

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