Chapter 1 "I Kissed the Prince"

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Dae-Joon was walking down the halls of the palace bored out of his mind. He was in search of something to do to cure his boredom.

"Hah...Is there really nothing to rid me of my boredom in this palace?" He sighed heavily as he spoke. Jin-Huan ended up walking into the same hall as Dae-Joon. As Jin walked he saw the young prince. "Good evening Your Highness, I trust you are doing well?" His voice had an icy bitterness to it, of course he didn't mean to sound this way, it was merely the way he spoke with everyone. When he spoke Dae looked up at him and eagerly walked over, smiling. "Jinjin!" He hugged him, "I take it you are in a good mood?" Jin looked down at him as he gently hugged back, "I am now that you are here. I was bored out of my mind." He sighed a little as he buried his face in Jin's chest. Jin blushed ever so slightly, "I'm glad I make you happy, Your Highness." Dae looked up at him and smiled innocently with a small chuckle, "I wish I could hug and cuddle you all day every day..." Dae said with a pout, "Your Highness... You and I both know that can never happen, I am far too busy and what would your people think if they found out about it? Think of the palaces' reputation, your reputation."

Dae-Joon looked to the side as he pouted more. He hid his face in Jin-Huan's chest again, "I don't care... I want to be with you..." Dae mumbled as he spoke. "What was that, Your Highness?" Jin asked with a hint of curiosity lacing his voice, "I said I don't care, I just want to be with you..." Dae looked up at Jin when he spoke, a light blush across his face. Jin had a straight face as he opened his mouth, "Y...Your Highness I--" He was cut off by Dae, "Ugh stop calling me that! You know my name so use it!" Dae-Joon pouted and whined a little. Jin turned his head to the side, "Alright, if that is what you wish then I shall call you by your name, Dae-Joon." Dae smiled, "Now give me a kiss." Dae smirked at Jin with a smug look, "Pardon?" Jin questioned. "I want a kiss so give me one." Dae stared up at him, waiting for Jin to kiss him. "Dae-Joon know I can't, you know what would happen if we were to be caught by someone..." Dae looked at him with a bit of a glare, "Are you disobeying your prince, Jin-Huan Sung?" Jin looked a little shocked hearing his full name spoken by the prince himself.

"I- No I would never disobey you... It's just I don't want either of us getting in trouble..." Jin looked a little embarrassed, a rare sight to see. "I don't care, I am the ruler of the palace, no one has the power to get me in trouble. Now kiss me, and that's an order." Dae looked up at Jin with a very serious look. Jin nodded hesitantly, leaning down slowly so that his lips hovered above Dae's, merely 2 inches apart. Jin's breath hitched in his throat as he got a bit closer, his heart pounding in his chest, the sound booming in his ears. Jin placed his hands on Dae's shoulders, pulling Dae closer as he shut his eyes tight. Dae closed his eyes, awaiting the kiss from Jin-Huan. Jin stopped, his lips ever so slightly touching Dae's lips, he was panicking inside. He wasn't used to being so flustered to the point it made his body incapable of moving. Dae placed his hand on the back of Jin's head and pulled him into the kiss. Jin's eyes shot open as he let out a small muffled gasp/whimper. After a couple of seconds, which felt like minutes to Jin, Dae broke the kiss, slowly pulling away.

Jin-Huan was speechless, he didn't know what to say or do at that moment. His heart pounded more, his face was red and his eyes wide open. Dae smiled and patted Jin's shoulder and walked past him, leaving Jin standing in the hall by himself, alone with his mind racing and the sound of his heart pounding in his chest. Jin-Huan thought to himself: "I just kissed the prince."

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