Chapter 5 "Hugs & Cuddles"

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(This chapter is a short one cause I couldn't think of what else to write.)

A week had passed since Jin-Huan had woken up and Dae-Joon seemed to be more clingy with Jin. Dae had his arm wrapped around Jin's waist from behind. "Dae-Joon... You've been holding me like this for that past hour... Are you going to let go anytime soon?" Dae tightened his grip a bit, "No. I am not letting you leave me." Jin sighed as he tried to pry off Dae. He failed. "How strong are you?" Dae giggled a bit, "I am very strong." Jin sighed again as he accepted he was going to be stuck like this for a while. More hours had passed and Dae still had not let Jin go, "I have to use the bathroom...Can you let go of me please?" Dae pouted a bit before hesitantly letting Jin go. "Come back quickly." Jin patted Dae on the head, "I'll be back as soon as I can." Jin left the room and went to the bathroom.

Dae waited for what seemed like forever to him. Jin came back after a couple of minutes, "Dae-Joon I'm ba--" Jin was cut off by Dae hugging him tightly, "You were gone for too long!" Jin looked confused. "What do you mean? I was gone for only 2 minutes." Dae pouted, "It felt like forever!" Jin patted his head, "Stop whining. I was really not gone for that long..." Dae looked at him offended. "I'm not whining..." Jin raised an eyebrow. Dae pouted more. "Whatever...Just give me cuddles..." Jin nodded and gently picked up Dae bridal style. Dae blushed instantly when he was picked up and he held onto Jin tightly. Jin took him to the bed and laid down with Dae, holding Dae close and cuddling him. Dae nuzzled into Jin's chest and closed his eyes. Jin started to fall asleep and so did Dae. Not much later they had both fallen asleep in each other's embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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