Chapter 3 "The Pain in My Heart"

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Days had passed since the incident with Dae-Joon and Jin-Huan. The war was going to start soon and the soldiers would head out to battle. Jin-Huan was getting prepared to go and fight for the prince but, he felt off. He felt scared. He never feels scared when going into battle. Maybe it was the thought of not being able to return to the prince after the war, or maybe it was the thought he might die in battle and not get a chance to tell the prince he was sorry for what he said before, maybe he was scared he'd lose Dae-Joon forever and not get to tell him how he feels.

The time came for war, and Jin-Huan set off with his soldiers. Dae-Joon looked around the palace to find Jin and say goodbye but he couldn't find him. "Have you seen General Sung?" Dae asked one of his servants, "Didn't you know your majesty? General Sung had left the war almost an hour ago..." Dae stood there for a moment in shock. He thought to himself; "He left me without saying goodbye?" Dae nodded to his servant and walked away to his room. Dae started to cry in his room, "Why would he leave like that? Why would he not say goodbye? Does he hate me? Did I do something to upset him?" He thought as he sat down on the floor against his door, crying his eyes out.

Jin-Huan and his army entered the battlefield, they attacked relentlessly and showed no mercy to their enemies. Soldiers from both parties perished violently, swords were drawn into the hearts of the enemy, limbs were sliced off, and blood was everywhere. The war was nearing its end and bodies were all over the battlefield, Jin-Huan looked around and saw almost all his men slaughtered. There was only one man left, General Chen, the enemy. Jin-Huan was distracted looking at the sea of bodies that lay before him as General Chen charged from behind him. The remaining soldiers of General Sung shouted and told him to run, he turned around to see what they were yelling about before it was too late.

General Sung had been stabbed through his stomach. As General Chen laughed maniacally General Sung's last few soldiers attacked and killed General Chen. General Sung still has the blade impaled into him, he yanked the sword out and collapsed to the ground. His men rushed him back to the palace, "Help! We need a doctor!" A servant saw the situation and ran to get a doctor. As the doctor and nurses rushed Jin-Huan to a room, as they rushed through the halls they ran into the prince. Dae-Joon's eyes widened when he saw Jin-Huan's body being carried and his blood trailing the floor.

The doctor and nurses treated the wound on Jin and left him to rest. Not long after they left the room Dae walked in. Dae walked over to his side, kneeled next to the bed, and held Jin's hand tightly. "Hey's me, Dae-Joon, I don't know if you can hear but I hope you can...Why did you leave me without saying goodbye? I was worried..." Dae started to tear up as he held Jin's hand tighter. Dae started to cry as he rested his head next to Jin's hand. The pain in his heart was unbearable, it hurt him so much to see someone he loved almost on the brink of death. "Please wake up... Please, Jin-Huan Sung... I love you..."

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