Chapter 2 "Flowers For Jin"

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The next few nights, Jin-Huan couldn't sleep at all. He lay in his bed staring at the ceiling, thinking. As he lay in his bed, he thought to himself: "I can't believe I got to kiss the prince." His face flushed red as he imagined his lips coming into contact with Dae-Joons. He couldn't get the image out of his head. It played on a loop over and over in his memories. Jin put his pillow over his face and yelled into it. He was embarrassed he felt this way towards the prince. He vowed to never love or show emotion anymore, but his walls were crumbling away the more he thought about it, the more he thought about Dae-Joon. "What is wrong with me..." He spoke to himself and hugged his pillow.

Dae-Joon acted normal the past few days after kissing Jin. He acted as if nothing happened, but in reality, he was embarrassed and screaming on the inside. Every time Dae-Joon and Jin-Huan crossed paths, Jin would rush past Dae or turn around and walk in the other direction, trying to avoid him. Almost a week had passed since the Prince and Army General kissed, and things were finally back to normal,  except for one thing; Dae-Joon was more clingy and needy with Jin-Huan. Dae recently started to give a single flower to Jin every day, "Dae-Joon, if I may ask: Why are you giving me flowers every day?" Dae looked at him still holding the flower in his hand that he was going to give Jin, "Cause they're pretty and remind me of you," He was blushing a bit, "So I like giving them to you. That's not a problem, right...?" He seemed a little sad, waiting for Jin's answer, "No, it's not an issue, Your Highness. I enjoy the gifts but..." Dae looked even more sad now, "Maybe you should stop? I've noticed the other palace workers and soldiers look a little, uh, jealous?" Jin smiled ever so slightly, "Oh ok! I'll try to be more discrete from now on!" Dae smiled brightly and hugged Jin with a small giggle. Jin hugged back and gently petted the back of his head, blushing ever so slightly. Dae held onto Jin tighter, feeling safe in his arms, "I love you, Jin-Huan..." Jin's eyes widened in surprise, "You shouldn't say stuff you don't mean Your Highness..." Dae pulled away a little offended, "What?" Jin looked away a little ashamed of what he said, "I just don't think it's right for you to say that, you should say it to your lover." Dae-Joon looked very sad, "Why would you say that...?" Jin looked back at him and blushed a bit, "...I am unsure."

Dae looked up at him for a moment and he looked heartbroken. "OK then." Dae walked away wiping tears from his eyes. Jin reached out and tried to grab him by his arm and say he didn't mean what he said but he couldn't move. He just couldn't think properly I mean he hurt the prince, why should he have any right to even say what he said? He didn't know why. He was sorry. He didn't want to hurt Dae-Joon.

When Dae turned the corner he ran to his room as tears streamed down his face. "I'm a fool for thinking he'd love me back..." Dae said to himself. He sat on his bed and grabbed a pillow as he cried into it. He felt as if his heart was torn into a million pieces, he was hurt and hurt by someone who was meant to protect him. He felt like an idiot, he couldn't believe he had feelings for him, and he should have known better than to fall for a cold, heartless, and selfish man. Dae-Joon cried the rest of the day in his room, never leaving not even to eat. He was still hurting, and it hurt more that he still loved Jin-Huan deep in his heart.

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