Unwanted Ascension

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A/N: This story is inspired by Campione! and borrowed elements from that story. It will also borrow characters from several different anime because it is easier than making an OC. Not to mention you could just look them up so I don't have to describe their appearance. Naruto will also look more similar to Susanoo from the game Onmyoji. It's a very pretty game that drain your wallet and gut it like salmon.


9 years old Uzumaki Naruto had just experienced his very bad, no good, horrible birthday ever in the history of ever! Sure, his birthdays had been bad before but it was never horrible. He had gotten kidnapped twice on his birthdays before but those masked ninja always swooped in and saved the day. Once, when he was very young, an Uchiha lady that he was sure was actually Sasuke's mom, had chased off his possible kidnappers before dragging him to the Hokage's Tower. He heard her shouting at Jiji and after that he has his own house!

She always snuck him some onigiri whenever they crossed each other on the streets, sometimes she even snuck him candies! Naruto was heartbroken when he heard that she died with the other Uchiha. He tried to talk to Sasuke after that, to ask where she was buried so he could put some of the candy she gave him in respect but that jerk duck butt kept brushing him off!

So, his latest kidnapping was the most successful ever and they had drunkenly wrestled him in the middle of those squiggles before cutting their palm and did those cool hand signs Naruto knew Shinobi do all the time before something awesome happened. But those awesome things were usually nicer when he's not the target so needless to say he panicked and tried to stop whatever it was that they tried to do to him but...well, he has short legs.

Not to mention that they somehow had invisible walls erected around him and he can't get out.

But that was still not the reason this birthday was the very bad, no good, horrible birthday ever in the history of ever! Naruto has no idea what they were trying to do. He wasn't in the habit of figuring out the way a criminal's brain worked. Well, at least not now. He wasn't sure where he will end up as a Shinobi. He had heard about Torture and Investigation Unit. People there figure out other people's brain so if he ended up there, he might have to learn how to figure out how kidnapper's brain worked.

So when golden lightning struck him, Naruto was still figuring out what was happening. The forest of Konoha disappeared and Naruto his body disintegrating from power of lightning that had struck him. He closed his eyes, wondering if 9 was the age limit for him.

It was weird.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a man clad in golden lightning striking the people surrounding the circle. Naruto groaned as more Shinobi appeared, trying to bring the strange man down only to die from a golden blade. Pushing his body on trembling arms, he shook his head to unplug his ears from the incessant ringing that had been plaguing his brain for a while now.

"...insolent humans. I will do you the mercy of eradicating the fools that dared to summon and challenge a God! Starting with the worthless village before me..."

Naruto's eyes widened. The strange man wanted to destroy Konoha!

Naruto pushed his burnt and bleeding body up, fighting the pull of gravity as his almost blind eyes found the man reach his hand to the sky. The clouds darkened and churned like restless ocean water, thunders rumbling like a growling beast. Naruto shivered, fear lancing through his chest as he could almost taste lightning on his tongue. The man's black hair seemed to roll just like the stormy clouds above him and he seemed to relish in the power commanded by him.

Naruto looked around for something to wield against this strange and powerful opponent. He wanted to become Hokage of Konoha. He wasn't lying when he said that. Naruto lied a lot of things. He lied about having had breakfast to Iruka. He lied about things being fine to Jiji. He lied about not doing his homework when they were actually ruined. He lied that he's okay to himself in the mirror. He lied and lied and lied but it was all so that no one will know the fear and doubt and self-hate that plagued him when the sun goes down and there was nothing to occupy his little mind. But he never lied about wanting to be Hokage.

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