A New Face

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Sakura sits on a rock, shivering in her undies as she glares at the relentless rain outside the cave that the group had managed to locate from Kakashi's memory before the drizzling turns into outright pouring and immediately turns into a waterfall the moment they stumbles into the cave, soaking wet like a dogs that just jumped into a river. She grumbles, sticking close against her equally shivering teammates, cheeks slightly red, "This is ridiculous,"

Sasuke tries not to stare at her bare body. After coming opening up to her, he found that his gaze will often drift to her and all the mundane things she does became interesting to watch. Now, where before he would have ignored her state of almost undress, he is struggling to not stare at her body like a pervert. He's a Shinobi and so is she. He should be above ogling his teammate's body!

Sai leans against Kakashi who is also in his undies, although his face mask remains firmly on his face, separate from the two. Sasuke will throw a big fuss if he's anywhere close to Sakura, especially in the state that she's in. However, his eyes drifts to the fourth person in the cave, also in his undergarment, revealing his scars. Or rather, the only scar on his body to peruse.

Naruto notice the staring and looks at him, "What is it?"

Kakashi hums, "Your scar is really something else," He shows them his bare right hand, the branching scar of using Raiton and training with it stark on his pale skin. His fingers tan from exposure to the sun, right where his fingerless gloves ends. Sasuke looks at the Raiton branches on his hand, still much smaller than Kakashi but growing larger the longer he trains in the release. The tips of his fingers are all callused from burns of Katon training. Sai hums, looking at his own scars and callus build ups from intense training just to be out of the caves of ROOT even if it means another assassination mission. As for Sakura, she too had gained some battle scars but they are from her time in the dungeon of Kaze Daimyo's castle. But compared to the boys, her body are still considered unblemished.

Naruto nods, "It is the only one that can never be healed,"

Sakura stares at him, "...your skin is smoother than mine and Sasuke's,"

Sasuke rolls his eyes, "Are we seriously back on that topic?"

Sakura hums, "What's your secret, anyway? You sure don't eat as much tomatoes as Sasuke," The boy literally spent a fortune to buy a preservation sealing scroll just so he could have fresh tomatoes on the road. Especially as they discovered the Candy Tomatoes being sold at the last stop with a commercial district. And although Sakura actually liked the tomato, she still isn't as crazy about it as Sasuke.

Naruto smiles at her, skin glowing, "It's all natural!" He rubs his chin, "I'm just that blessed in the look department, dattebayo!"

Sakura stares at him with a deadpan look, "Ah...I see...why do I even bother asking?"

Naruto just smiles at him, face glowing from divine energy before looking away. He could just stop the rain, it is Susanoo's domain after all, but he won't. Nature has it's own schedule and even if he did slay a deity, he is not one. He then looks in deeper into the cave, "Are you fine, Neji?"

Neji steps out from the shadow. He is under Hiei and Soi Fon's training so he has been trailing after them in the shadow. That is why he isn't present with the team most of the time unless Naruto calls him out. Naruto is always keeping an eye out for Neji because Hinata had asked him to give her estranged cousin a chance. She had picked up on Naruto's dislike to Neji's talk about destiny but had hoped that perhaps travelling with Naruto will mellow him out. The Hyuuga prodigy kneels, just as equally undressed as the others, "Yes, sir,"

Naruto hums, "Steps closer to the fire. I know you are trained to control your inner temperature but I don't need you to tire out your chakra," There is a reason why Shinobi still sticks to traditional method of keeping warm. Even with internal chakra manipulation to control temperature, it can tire them out when used continuously.

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