Hinata's Greeting

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Naruto fidgets nervously as he looks at the gate of Konoha.

Tsunade notices this and asks, "What's wrong now, brat?"

After his revelation and her accepting the hat, Naruto had told her to treat her as usual. He's not big on ceremony and stuff so she should ignore it outside formal events. Needless to say, Tsunade takes no time adjusting at needling him and all. It seems that she had grown fond of him. Their interaction is interesting, to say the least, as she treats him like she would her own brother. It helps that he reminds her a lot of Nawaki, with his honest interaction despite the secrets he carry.

Naruto blushes, "Hinata...my w-girl..."

My wife; the word he didn't say but she heard anyway. Tsunade hums, "You told me you have someone but you never said anything more. What about her?"

Naruto pouts, "Jiraiya that Richest Homeless Man kidnapped me and right after I promised not to disappear on her without a least a message, dattebayo," He sighs, "I hope she's not too worried or too mad at me for breaking that promise,"

Tsunade raises a brow, "You say that but you look oddly happy,"

Naruto smacks a hand over his grinning mouth, "Oh..." He nervously chuckle, "W-well...I grew up with nobody before so...the fact that there is someone that will worry about me disappearing and be upset over my wellbeing is just..." He smiles at Tsunade with a tinge of guilt mixed with excitement, "It is kind of exciting for me, dattebayo!"

She hums, "I see...does she know about you being...well, you?"

Naruto nods, "Only after I asked for permission to court her. I like staying incognito. It keeps annoying pests off my trail for as long as nothing too big happens. Not to mention, she likes me before and I only found out after," He chuckles as he scratches his chin distractedly, "I mean...I don't look like the boy she knew and she mistook me for someone else completely and I supposed I took advantage of that," He waves his hand at Tsunade in a placating manner, "I came clean with her, though! I know better than to start things with secrets! Those never ends well,"

Tsunade scoffs, "Why does that sound like something you have experienced?"

Naruto grimaces, "Not me. Someone I know..."

They finally reaches the gate and after confirming their identities, with Aoshi already waiting with a scowl and his swords at the ready, glaring at a sheepish Jiraiya, Naruto looks to the side just as someone threw their body at him. He didn't panic as the person had been standing behind Aoshi the whole time and had ran out the moment he draw close. He grabs the person around the waist, the familiar scent of lavender and cinnamon introducing her to his senses, "Hinata!"

Hinata squeezes him, almost strangling him, saying nothing but letting her feelings regarding his disappearance known through the lung crushing hug. Behind him, Jiraiya pales at the sight of a pair of glaring Byakugan looking straight at his soul. As sweet a Hyuuga as Hinata is, she is still born of ice and steel of the Hyuuga Clan. Needless to say, the claim of the Hyuuga Clan being the strongest in Konoha is currently being exerted by the girl as she silently warns the Sage for his 'kidnapping'.

Tsunade snorts and side eyed her teammate who silently sweats beside her. She knew, from stories told to her by her grandfather, that if a Hyuuga really wants to, they could cripple someone's chakra flow permanently, ultimately crippling them weaker than a civilian. Needless to say, Jiraiya had heard of the same story and probably suspects the little girl would do it to him for his stunt if he ever pulls it again.

Tsunade smirks, "He has one scary girl,"

Naruto coughs, "Hi-Hinata...as nice as your hug is...I, uh...it's getting dangerous..."

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