Explaining Things - Fail

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 Naruto was already informed the room Hinata was in the moment the declared his intention to visit her. He decided to stop at the bakery where Hinata liked to buy her cinnamon rolls. After he purchased a box of six rolls, he went to the Yamanaka Florist to look at flowers. After a while looking around, he decided to wrap a bouquet of tulips. Once he had bought all that he require, he made his way to the hospital with an anxious heart.

He reached the hospital and gulped, "Well...here goes nothing,"

He stepped into the hospital and started to make his way up but in the middle of the way, he noticed something. As he whipped his head about, he realized, "What the fuck? Who moved the suites?" Looking at the floor and walls, he realized that the hospital had a renovation or extension. Either way, he's lost. His brow twitched at the unprecedented problem and sighed, "Seriously? What a way to kill the mood, dattebayo,"

As he rounded the larger hospital, he came across Shikamaru and Ino joined by Sakura holding a basket of fruits. He greeted them, "Hi! Uh...do you know where I can find Hinata's room?"

Sakura answered, "Uhm...I don't know. Knowing the Hyuuga, she should be in the newer wing,"

Ino eyed Naruto and smirked, "Hey cutie. What's your relationship with Hinata?"

Naruto remembered Ino. She has really expensive taste when it comes to looks. So being referred by her as 'cute' was a little jarring, making him stare at her for the flirt for a moment before looking at Shino, he knew better than to entertain flirts from randoms girls. The last time he visited the Nadeshiko Village, he was almost swarmed by girls that tried to use their seduction techniques on him. He had enough experience dodging honey traps from that one week stuck in that village. Instead he greeted the perplexed Nara, "Hi. Do you know where Hinata is?"

Ino gawked at being ignored by him, disbelief coloring her face red. Sakura looked to the side to hide her snorts at her friend/rival's face. After all, Ino knew the ins and outs of how to appear attractive to a boy. She was adamant about learning seduction and had been known to sneak into those 'adult classes' to learn how to be a girl because she was sick of being mistaken for a 'pretty boy'. Naruto knew that because her father had to drag her out of the class several times when she failed to attend the Academy.

Shikamaru looked like he's going to complain but instead sighed, "She should be in the same direction we're going. You can join us if you want,"

Ino sidled up to him, "Well, how did you know Hinata? I know she join her father to the Capital several times when she was younger. Was that how you met Hinata, Bot-chan?"

Sakura pinched her arm, "Ino, lay off!"

Naruto noticed the bouquet of daisies Sakura was holding and asked, "Who are they for?"

Sakura blushed at being addressed and sighed, "It's for Lee. Rock Lee. He...he was in the Prelim and...he got injured by the Genin from Suna very badly. I heard that he might not be able to stay a Shinobi due to his injuries,"

Naruto blinked, "Oh...I...didn't know," He must have been rushed straight to the hospital instead of being taken to the medic room as Hinata was still inside. He nodded, "Please, send him my condolences," He didn't know who Rock Lee is, but he could at least do that much.

Sakura smiled, "Sure,"

Naruto followed them and stopped by the first room. Shikamaru knocked on the door and greeted his childhood friend, "Hey, Chouji. I brought you fruits,"

Chouji looked at his friend and groaned, "Hey, Shikamaru. I'd love to, but the medics told me I'm on a strict diet so..." He smiled sadly as his eyes looked at the fruit basket pitifully, "Sorry,"

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