A Visit

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Finally out of bed, Naruto stretches his limbs. He had already composed the missive for Tsunade regarding Sasuke's initiation into the Oniwaban. He played up the part of him seeking power and how this will prevent him from going to Orochimaru. Citing on how he's a flight risk anyway and in this way he can ensure Sasuke's 'loyalty' to Konoha for giving him a rare chance of learning from the greatest of elites; personal army of the Emperor.

But that is not his main concern now that he can walk out of his room without everyone panicking. Rather, he recalls that Hinata's eyes were strained during Sasuke's retrieval. So that will be his main focus. He can feel his time in Konoha coming to an end...for now. So he wants to spend as much time with Hinata as he can before he has to leave and do his duty. Not to mention, he wants to leave Yato with her. Kidoumaru is not a Youkai anyone should mess with. As a Hunter, he enjoys a chase as much as he enjoys baiting.

As powerful as the Hyuuga is, Naruto doubts that they can do much against a Youkai.

Naruto stops before the Hyuuga's gate and looks at the guard there, "Is Hinata in?"

Recognizing the boy as the one that Lady Hinata is currently courting, the man nods and informs the servants nearby about Naruto's appearance. After a moment, Naruto is walking down the silent hallway of the Hyuuga Main Mansion. He continues to walk, taking note of spots that a Youkai will take advantage of. He will have to ask his good friend Abeno Haruitsuki to place a stationary holy barrier around the Hyuuga Compound. If Tsunade want it, she would have to ask the Keikain Clan. That clan is more extreme in dealing with Youkai and less understanding but they get the job done. Also, they are the largest group of Onmyoji on the continent so they will be able to cover all of Konoha.

...he'll leave their business card on her desk later before he leave...

Reaching a familiar sliding door, he kneels down and knocks on the wood, "Hinata?"

There is a gasp behind the screen and a fumble before a voice softly answers, "Naruto-kun?"

Naruto let out a spark to confirm his identity, "Yeah...Kurama says hi,"

Kurama grumbles, "I didn't but whatever,"

Hinata, recognizing the name of the Kyuubi, slides the door open with little difficulty. Her still pale face peeks out but she comically turns the other way. Naruto snorts, causing her head to snap into his direction and her cheeks floods with red. Naruto studies her. Even blindfolded, she is just too unbearably cute. He bites his lower lip from his own excitement at the sight.

He likes it when she is strong but being helpless before him suites her well too...

Hinata fully slips out of her room and prostrates, "Welcome to the Hyuuga Clan, Naruto-sama,"

Naruto puts his hand on her shoulder so that she will correct her posture, "None of that now. I want you as my equal, Hinata," His hand than reaches up to brush a thumb on the corner of her blindfold, "How much longer do you have to be like this? I miss looking at your eyes," He missed being watched by her pretty eyes. Being seen by Hinata is everything to him.

Hinata shies away, "Uhm...a few more days, I believe,"

Naruto smiles, "That's good...I want to arrange for another date..."

Hinata's small smile slowly diminish until her expression turns morose, "...are you leaving?"

Naruto hums, "I have to. I'm sorry,"

Hinata reaches up to touch the hand cupping her face, "Don't be. I...I understand..."

Naruto looks at her, "I'm sorry I got mad about you skipping mission. I know that you worry that I'll leave without warning again but..."

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