Their Dream

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Naruto looks at Jiraiya, taking note of his pale and sweaty face, "She drugged you, didn't she?"

Jiraiya coughed, "Sheesh, kid, no need to rub it in," He raises on shaky hand to wipe his face, "I think she's meeting Kabuto and...of course you already know about that," He frowns at Naruto's nonchalant look, "I bet Orochimaru's favorite brat will try and 'revive' him after what you had done to him. Honestly, ordering him to 'stop' isn't the same as telling him to 'die' so that means he is stuck between living and dying,"

Naruto looks to the side, "Let's go. She's an Uzumaki from her grandma's side after all," He looks at Jiraiya, [Sober up] Once the man's face regain its color, he leaps away in the direction that Nawaki is frantically gesturing towards.

Jiraiya asks, "Why didn't you tell him to 'die'?"

Naruto frowns, "I remember your report about his experimentation into immortality and that he can transfer his soul into a younger and more fit body. Basically, telling him to 'die' is the same as letting him go so 'stop' was the only thing I could think of at that moment,"

Jiraiya grimaces, "In another word, you caused him to get stuck in limbo,"

Shizune, who had been quiet through the whole discussion, says, "That is a very frightening Kekkei Genkai. He would probably want to study it,"

Shirou snorts, "If he could even come close. And even if he did, it won't be easy. Naruto-sama is not a simple kid, I tell you now,"

Shizune frowns, remembering the strange Samurai with those hanafuda earrings standing guard at the boy's door. Tsunade had been confused when the two suddenly shows up but since Jiraiya seemed to know them and Naruto acted as if he had been expecting them, she suspected that Jiraiya's kidnapping of Naruto isn't as alarming as it sounded. But even from his clothes, Shizune can tell that Naruto is not of ordinary background. Not with Samurais following him around.

She also noticed two more lives behind the door but the Samurai guarding will not let her investigate and to keep the already tense atmosphere down, she had left it at that. And although Naruto had left, the quietly smiling Samurai at the door stayed vigilant at his post. As far as she know, Samurais do not follow ordinary people or guard ordinary people. They have a strict creed and, unlike Shinobi, cannot be bought. At least, not usually. Once a Samurai give their oath, they are loyal unto death.

Of course, there are Ronin who are not employed and can be bought but she digress.

There's an explosion ahead and Jiraiya frowns, "Tsunade..."

They hasten their movements and Naruto spies a crow circling above. It seems that Itachi is keeping an eye out just in case they need backup. Naruto looks ahead and found Tsunade on the ground, shaking with speckles of blood all over her body. Dan's ghost standing before her, furious and helpless as Kabuto steps closer to her with a sickening smile curving on his lips. Jiraiya jumps forward just as the younger man attempts to cut her with chakra covered fingers.

Shizune reaches her mentor, "Shishou!"

Taking out a kerchief, she starts cleaning up the traumatized woman. Behind her, Jiraiya starts fighting with Kabuto. The bespectacled man looks generic but he reminds Naruto too much of Aizen; harmless looking and hiding poison behind his welcoming smile. A snake appears and Naruto looks around to see Orochimaru. It seems that Kabuto had killed the man so that he can take over other's body.

Well, Naruto had always suspected that his order looses their hold upon death. After all, the realm of Izanami is no place for him and he has no hold over souls that passes through her Veil. But since Orochimaru returns to life, his order still has a weak hold. Weaker than ever but still there.

Naruto; EmperorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora