Darcy and Core Anne's Dance Party

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Hey Readers! Today was the day that we got to see Darcy/The Core, Emperor Belos and King Andrias return with the new villains Broken Karaoke. I saw it and I was so happy to see them again and all the other villains, I love those three villains along with The Collector as their one my favorite villains along with Kylo Ren, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

So enjoy this chapter and it's going to be a fun time with them.


With the assault on Newtopia was a go, Sasha and The Resistance set out to stop Andrias and save Anne and Marcy. Sasha informed The Resistance about the plan with The Planters and Grime by her side, they set out to save Earth and Amphibia from the evil tyrant.

Sasha and The Gang ride on Joe Sparrow and Domino 2 to sneak into the castle to steal the box and save Anne and Marcy, Sprig and Sasha talk about Anne and Marcy. "Hey Sasha?" Sprig said. Sasha looks at the pink frog. "Yeah Sprig?" Sasha said. Sprig looked a little worried about Anne and Marcy.

"Are you sure we're going to be able to save Anne and Marcy? I mean, what if Andrias did something to them, he could have killed them or tortured them or..." Sprig said as he was freaking out about what Andrias did to the two of them.

Sasha saw how freaked out Sprig was as she calmed hime down. "Sprig, it's okay. We're going to save Anne and Marcy and everything will go back to normal, I promise." Sasha said. Sprig calmed down as he sat down next to Sasha as he laid next to her, Sasha sees Sprig lay next to her as she smiles. She then giggles at him just feeling comfortable beside her.

The Resistance approached the castle as Andrias was watching the monitors on Earth as everything was now put in place for the invasion, Core Anne and Darcy were on the throne as they knew The Resistance were approaching. "Anne, their approaching. I can feel it." Darcy said. Core Anne looked at Darcy as the two got off the throne and went to the balcony where The Resistance approached.

"Impressive Anne, they've increased their forces. But they will be unable to stop us." Darcy said. Core Anne held Darcy's hand as she knew what must be done. "Mar-Mar, they think they have a chance, they don't know what is to come." Core Anne said. Darcy smiles as the two get into position as they wait for their old friends to arrive.

The Resistance attacks The Frobot Army while Sasha and The Gang sneak into the castle to get the box, Sasha and Her Friends enter the castle as they were secretly being monitored by Darcy and Core Anne through the security cameras.

"Well Anne, looks like it's time to say hello to our old friends." Darcy said. Core Anne nods as the shut the lights off as they stand in their position as they wait for the intruders to arrive, Sasha and the gang sneak though the castle as they make their way to the throne room to retrieve the box and get Anne and Marcy.

Sasha feels that something is wrong as she can feel a dark presents in the castle, she stops as she ends up seeing the strange banners all over the castle. The banners were red with a crown on it with an orange and yellow eye in the center, she wonders if either Andrias put that there or he's working for someone that's forcing him to do all of this.

Sasha was thinking that if Andrias was working for something, it could be something that his family served the same thing could be the real villain behind this. Sasha sees they are already at the throne room and was prepared for what's behind these doors. "Okay guys, be ready." Sasha said.

She was about to open the doors but she was suddenly punch back by someone, she then looks up as her eyes widen as she and the gang see a spore controlled Olivia and Yunan. "Going... Somewhere..." Olivia and Yunan said equally. "Lady Olivia! Yunan! It's us!" Sprig said as he tried to reach out for them. They then see they are controlled by the spore collars.

Amphibia: Darcanne Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang