Assault Preparations

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The Next Day...

Darcy and Core Anne were in bed as the held each other close as possible, Darcy woke up and saw her beautiful queen all asleep next to her. Darcy then gets up as she stretches out as she rubs her head, her silky black messy hair landed on her shoulders as her two eyes glowed orange.

Darcy sees Core Anne's arms around her waist as she didn't want to let her go, Darcy smiles as a slight chuckle escaped from her mouth. She then kisses her forehead as she wakes up. "Wakey, Wakey, Anne! It's time to get up." Darcy said as she tried to wake her up. Core Anne opens her eyes as she sees Darcy awake.

She gets up as she holds Darcy tight. "Mar-Mar, why are you up so early?" Core Anne groans as she was tired. "Anne, we have a lot to do today. Did you forget?" Darcy asked. Core Anne rubs her eyes as she shakes her head. "No? After last night, I just want to sleep." Core Anne said.

Darcy giggles as she kisses Core Anne on the lips. "C'mon Anne, we have a lot to do." Darcy said. "Fine..." Core Anne said as she was upset she couldn't get five more minutes in bed. The two get up and get dressed, Darcy dons her armor, cape and helmet and Core Anne dons her dress, halter top, long black sleeves, leggings and high heeled boots and her crown and hair tie.

The two exit their bedroom and head to the throne room, Core Anne and Darcy held hands tightly as they entered the throne room. "Mar-Mar, do we have to prepare for the invasion? Can we do this another day?" Core Anne asked. Darcy holds her othe hand as she puts her forehead on Core Anne's. "Anne, we have to do this, we can rule Earth, Amphibia and The Entire Multiverse together forever as The Queens of The Multiverse." Darcy said.

"Well, okay." Core Anne said. Darcy then wraps her arms around her. "There, that's my girl." Darcy said as she placed a kiss on Core Anne's lips. The two sit on the throne as they monitor Earth and their enemies at their base. "Anne, soon everyone will tremble before us and no one will stop us." Darcy said. Core Anne rests her head on Darcy's shoulder as the two just monitor what's happening.

At The Resistance Base...

Sasha was in her room as she was sitting in her chair and looked at papers on her desk, her heron tiara was on the table next to her board. Sasha was confused on what to do as her two friends were under the control of an artificial intelligence bent on multiversal domination.

She was upset this happened as she felt so badly for treating the two closest friends she had in her life turn against her, she then tears up as she can't get the thought of Anne and Marcy being possessed by The Core out of her mind.

She the thought of the times she, Anne and Marcy spent together as kids. She remembers when she, Anne and Marcy were in a nice grass field together as Marcy played her games while she and Anne fought with sticks.

She remembers when Anne accidentally hit her on the forehead as she was injured, she was crying as Anne and Marcy put a bandage on her forehead. She still cried but Anne and Marcy managed to cheer her up as the three just sat down and looked at the sun together.

She tears up as she missed Anne and Marcy and deeply loved them both as friends, she really cared for them even though she never showed it. She feels so bad about treating the two badly, she looked at the picture of them together as she smiles at them just being together.

Sasha ends up crying as she's been through a lot, her parents divorcing, her father getting remarried, he mother getting a new boyfriend with kids of his own. Sasha can't stop, she just wants things to go back to normal.

Sasha's life wasn't always nice to her, but all she wanted was her parents to get back together. But since both if them had new lovers, it was too late. Sasha just cried on her table with her arms around her head, Sasha has lost everything, her family, her friends, everything. She'll never be able to get them all back.

Sprig then comes in and sees Sasha crying. He then went up to her as he was wondering why she was crying. "Sasha? Are you okay?" Sprig asked. Sasha then lifted her head up as she wipes he tears away. "No, it's just that Anne and Marcy are possessed by that thing and... There is nothing I do about it..." Sasha said as tears streamed down her face.

Sprig stands next to her as he felt terrible for her, she's stressed out and has too much on her shoulders. "Sasha? Is something bothering you?" Sprig asked. Sasha lifts her head up as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"It's just that... Before me and the girls got sent to Amphibia... This is haven't felt normal at all... My parents divorced... My mom got a new boyfriend with kids of his own... My dad remarried another women... I begged them to remarry... But it's too late now... I have nothing left now..." Sasha cried as she can't stop.

Sprig's eyes widen as she had family problems too. "Sasha... I can't blame you, my parents were killed by two giant herons in Wartwood... Me and Polly survived and Hop Pop was on an adventure... It's been hard on him as he found out the box was dangerous... He buried it but when Anne found out... He told her everything..." Sprig said.

Sasha's eyes widen in shock as she couldn't believe that. "Oh my... That's terrible..." Sasha said. Sprig looks at her as he smiles and hugs her. "Sasha, Anne missed Marcy and you while we were on Earth. I looked at her entry in Marcy's journal and she gave you a compliment by saying you look beautiful with your hair down, you really do honestly..." Sprig said.

Sasha's eyes widen in shock as a blush spreads across her cheeks, she smiles and hugs back. "I can see why Anne likes you... I'm... So Sorry for everything I did." Sasha said. Sprig smiles as he spoke. "I forgive you, sasha." Sprig said.

"Do you want to help me with the assault?" Sasha asked. Sprig nods his head as the two try to come up with a plan to save Anne and Marcy and stop The Core.


Darcy and Core Anne were in the throne room together as they watched the monitors, Core Anne yawns as she was extremely tired. Darcy takes note of this and giggles. "Anne? Are you really that tired?" Darcy asked as she raised and eyebrow.

Core Anne looks at her and nods. "Why couldn't you give me five more minutes in bed?" Core Anne groans. Darcy smiles and she giggled. "Anne, you need to wake up and get pumped for the day." Darcy said. Core Anne groans as she wraps her arms around Darcy's waist and rests her head on her shoulder. "Give me five more minutes." Core Anne said.

Darcy smiles as she chuckled a little. "Okay..." Darcy said as she placed a kiss on Core Anne's cheek. Core Anne falls asleep as Darcy then watched the monitors, Andrias then came into the room and saw Core Anne asleep and Darcy watching the monitors.

Darcy saw him as she wonders what he wants. "Andrias? What is it?" Darcy asked. Andrias kneels before Darcy as he spoke. "My Lord, The Invasion Preparations are almost complete, we need you to finalize them." Andrias said.

Darcy nods her heads as she pats Core Anne awake. "Anne! We need to go." Darcy said. Core Anne groans awake as she was depressed. "Fine..." Core Anne said. Darcy and Core Anne hold hands as the two get off the throne as Andrias flows them down the hall to the chamber.

Darcy and Core Anne see that The Dyoplosaurus has been completed and The Frobot Army, Darcy smiles and Core Anne wraps her arms around Darcy's arm as she rested her head on her shoulder. "Mar-Mar, can we head to our bedroom please? I want to cuddle you..." Core Anne said.

Darcy smiles as she picked Core Anne up bridal style as she wraps her arms around Darcy's neck, Core Anne buried her face in Darcy's neck as she fell asleep. "Aww Anne, you always looked cute when you sleep." Darcy said.

The two head out of the chamber as Darcy heads to her and Core Anne's bedroom with a sleeping Core Anne in her arms...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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