Chapter Two... Can't I Be Anywhere Else?

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There were only half a dozen mages, but they seemed to fill the space with their presence. I honestly wasn't too sure what a mage in uniform would look like but, they seemed to look pretty normal. It was sort of disappointing. If they were going to play with magic tricks, why didn't they make themselves seem more... Magical. It was sort of a shame honestly.

There were three women and three men, each wearing loose-fitting, long-sleeved belted black tunics over pants of the same material. They wore leather-and-metal cuffs around their wrists but I wasn't sure if there was something special about the cuffs or if it was part of the school's uniform. I hoped it was function over fashion for their sakes.

The tallest of the mages, a big, wide-shouldered man with a hawkish nose and shaggy brown hair shot through with silver, stepped forward and addressed the families in the bleachers.

"Welcome, aspirants, and welcome. Families of aspirants, to the most significant afternoon of your child's life."

Pft. I could argue against that. I mean, what was so great about today? Life ruining magic school? I couldn't help but think sarcastically. I mean, who did this hawk nosed freak think he was, saying that this was the most important afternoon! What a quack. Bet the most excitement he's had in his life was finding a new flavor of pudding to shove in his mouth.

"Do they all know they're going to magic school?" The boy in front of me whispered to his father.

The man shook his head, tossing his black hair in the process. "The parents believe whatever they want to believe and hear whatever they want to hear. If they want their child to be a famous athlete, they believe he is getting into an exclusive training program. If they hope she'll be a brain surgeon, then this is pre-pre-premed. If they want him to grow up to be wealthy. Then they believe this is the sort of prep school where he'll hobnob with the rich and powerful..."

They know about magic. I wonder if he was in the magisterium. I frowned. Yeah, go ahead Claire. Just lean over to the strange man and ask him if he went to magic school. I'm sure he'll spill his guts to you. I kicked my feet twice before I sighed. This was as lame as lame could get.

When Master North finishes speaking, all aspirants should rise and come to the front. The trial is about to begin. I was surprised at the voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. I think my Grandfather had done something like that once when I was ignoring him. It sent little shivers down my spine, it just felt so invasive.

The mage – I guessed he must be this Master North shmuck, according to the strange voice- was finishing up his speech. Which I really hope hadn't had anything important in it, because I hadn't paid attention to a single word. I supposed I might as well listen to the final ones.

"anyone with even a little power can hear Master Phineas – and most of the Aspirants will have had some kind of magical occupancy before. Some have already guessed what they are, some already know for sure, and the rest are about to find out."

There was a shuffling as kids got to their feet, making the metal stands shake, much to my displeasure. It made it hard to walk when at least everyone was moving around at once.

I put Sir Galahad down where I had been seated stretching a little in the process. I bounded down the stands, quick as a cat so as not to lose my balance and flipped off the third to last step. I landed on my hands and bent into a bridge before pushing up to stand. I liked the way it felt to bend that way after sitting for so long. A few people watched me, I'm sure to see if I would do anything else weird, but I only gave them a level stare until they looked away. I knew my ways of existing was filled with flare but that was for my own amusement, not for others to appreciate.

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