Chapter Fifteen... Lost in the caves

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We were well into winter when Master Rufus announced that it was time we started exploring the caves on our own, without his assistance, as if I hadn't already been sneaking around looking for information. He'd already shown us how to find our way among the deeper caverns by using earth magic to light up individual rocks and create a path back. Not that I didn't still very often find myself slightly lost in the caves.

"You want us to get lost on purpose?" Call asked sounding concerned.

"Something like that," said Rufus. "Ideally, you will follow my instruction, find the room you are meant to find, and return without getting lost at all. But that part is up to you."

'So run fast to destination and get back quickly before the boys. Got it.'

Tamara lifted her hand to me and smiled a slightly devilish smile. I matched it and smacked my hand against hers. "Sounds like fun." We said together while Call groaned.

"All Together," Master Rufus told us sternly, looking pointedly at Tamara and I. "No running off and leaving those two stumbling around in the dark."

Her smile dimmed a little "Oh, okay."

"We could make a bet," Call said, I'm sure thinking of Warren. "See who finishes first."

"Did either of you hear me?" Master Rufus asked. "I said -"

"Together," I sighed, not wanting a lecture. Master was getting famous for going on and on over our competitive ways. It's not like they were meant to harm we all just enjoyed a little... extra competition.

"I'll make sure we stick by each other." Aaron added with a level stare at me. I lifted a brow and tilted my head. What did he think I was gunna ditch them and go off on my own still? I'd been pretty good about following the group rules as of late. Only causing minor troubles here and there.

"See that you do," said Master Rufus. "Now, here is your assignment. At the depths of the second level of the caves is a place called the Butterfly Pool. It's fed from a spring aboveground. The water there is heavy with minerals that make it excellent for smithing weapons, like that knife on your belt." He gestured to Calls blade, Miri. "That blade was made here, in the Magisterium, with water from the Butterfly Pool. I want the four of you to find the room, gather some of the water, and return to me here."

"Do we get a bucket?" Call asked.

"I think you know the answer to that, Callum."

"Of course we don't, we are the bucket." I frowned as Rufus drew a rolled-up parchment from his uniform and handed it to Aaron.

"Here is your map. Follow it closely to reach the Butterfly Pool, but remember to light stones to mark your way. You can't always rely on a map to bring you back." I crossed my arms over my chest as an amused expression came over Masters face for but a moment.

"That doesn't sound ominous at all." I sighed as I uncrossed my arms to toss my hair over my shoulder.

Master Rufus settled down on a large boulder, which gently shaped and reformed itself underneath him until it resembled an armchair. "You will take turns carrying the water. If you drop it, then you'll just have to return for more."

The four of us exchanged glances. "When do we start?" asked Aaron.

Master Rufus drew a heavy bound book from his pocket and began to read. "Immediately."

Aaron spread the paper out on a rock in front of him, scowling, then looked over at Master Rufus. "Okay," he said quickly. "We head down and east."

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