Chapter Five... Rayon

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I opened my mouth in shock as my blood ran cold. There were no words for what my grandfather had just told me. He would rather have me bite the bullet than have me learning magic. Today I was seeing a whole new side of my grandfather, one I wasn't sure I liked.

"Come now. It looks like everyone is almost finished." He said, turning away as though he hadn't just scared the living shit out of me.

I let myself be lead to the stairs, and back onto the bleachers where I sat stiffly beside Grandfather, Sir Galahad in my lap.

Master Rufus strode out of one of the doors. He didn't say anything out loud, but the whole crowd fell silent as if he had. I scanned the room and noticed a few familiar faces - Bitchlie, I mean Kylie looked anxious and Aaron was biting his lip. Jasper looked pale and strained while Tamara appeared cool and collected, not worried at all. She sat between an elegant dark haired couple, whose cream coloured clothes set off their brown skin. Her mother, I noted, wore an ivory dress and gloves while her father was dressed entirely in a cream coloured suit. They were obviously very high class and had impeccable fashion taste. I would love to use her mother as a clothing model for some of my designs. Not that that was ever likely to happen.

"Aspirants for this year," said Master Rufus, drawing my attention away from the woman and towards him, "thank you for being with us today and for working so hard in the Trial. The thanks of the Magisterium also go out to all of the families who brought children and waited for them to finish."

He placed his hands behind his back, his gaze sweeping over the bleachers.

"There are nine mages here, and each of them is authorized to choose up to six applicants. Those applicants will be their apprentices for the five years they will spend at the Magisterium, so this is not a choice a Master undertakes lightly. You must also understand that there are more children here than will qualify for places at the Magisterium. If you are not selected, it is because you are not suited for this kind of training - please understand there are many possible reasons you might not be suitable and further exploration of your powers could be deadly. Before you leave, a Mage will explain your obligations of secrecy and give you the means to protect yourself and your family."

Hurry up already. I want to go home. I thought as I shifted so my elbows were resting against Sir Galahad and my palm was against my uninjured cheek. Other students were shifting as uncomfortably as I was. Jasper, seated between his Asian mom and white dad, both sporting fancy haircuts and fashionable clothing, drummed his fingers against his knees. I peeked a glance at my grandfather. His arms were set across his chest as he glared down Rufus. It almost seemed like he had a personal bone to pick with the mage.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Rufus asked.

The room was silent. I was surprised when I heard my grandfather muttering. I leaned slightly closer and blinked. "She won't get picked." Was being said like a mantra, over and over again.

"Very well!" Boomed Rufus. "Let the selection process begin!" He stepped back, until he was standing before the board with the scores on it. "Aspirants, as we say your names, please rise to your feet and join your new master. As the senior mage present after Master North, who won't be taking any apprentices, I will begin the selection." His gaze swept over the crowd. "Aaron Stewart."

There was scattered applause, though not from Tamaras family. She looked incredibly still and rigid, looking like she'd been embalmed. Her parents seemed furious. Her father leaned forward to say something in her ear and she flinched.

What could make a girl like that flinch?

My eyes went back to Aaron when I realized that people were clapping. I had forgotten that most people want to go the Magisterium. The guy had no family sitting on either side of him, no one hugging him or glaring. He must have come alone. The lucky bastard. I watched him as he jogged down the stairs between the bleachers to stand next to Master Rufus, a nervous smile on his face. I couldn't blame him.

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