Chapter Fourteen... Thieving Child

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I found that I couldn't fall asleep as soon as I curled into my bed, tossing myself around to get comfortable. I was keyed up from the fight and my mind kept going over the words of grandfathers note.

The words seemed clipped and distant as though he was simply telling me to be ready for war instead of making sure his only living blood relative was well. Maybe he was afraid of writing anything private. It was an understatement to say that grandfather could be a little paranoid sometimes... If only I could speak with him over tea once more, ask him questions without that new terrifying glare in his eyes.

After so long with only the two uniforms, it was amazing to have a bunch of clothes to choose from. Part of me wanted to put them all on at once and waddle through the Magisterium like a penguin. Of course then I would look ridiculous but at least I'd be comfortable. I slid from my bed, leaving Halaliel there and went through my box again, digging through the clothing. My hand brushed over something of a strange texture, I pulled it out and tossed it onto my bed without another thought as I continued digging for clothing.

In the end, I settled for black leggings and a black T-shirt with a faded Pink Floyd logo on it. Since I couldn't sleep I might as well work on my magic and get back into some physical training. All I wanted to do was sleep after being in the room of sand and boredom but now that that horrifying ordeal was over... I could get back into shape.

Stretching to loosen my muscles I glanced at my bedside table where I had set one of the books I'd taken from the library. A simple history book going over the knowledge shared about the five elements that we as magical little beings could use. I set it on the floor, propping it on a pillow so that I didn't damage the spine as bad, as I settled into push-ups. My body was already mad from the battle earlier but it was nice to get a proper workout in. As I switched into one arm push-ups my left arm behind my back I heard the soft sound of a door open. I blinked then shrugged it off, maybe one of my roommates needed some water. Seemed like I wasn't the only one potentially still keyed up. Lowering myself again I began reading the next paragraph when I heard the door to the hall open.

We weren't supposed to be out of our rooms this late without permission from our Master. Just which idiot was breaking the rules. Callum... Most likely. I stood up, walked to my door and threw it open. I was going to hit Call. Even I wasn't this stupid.

Looking around, I was suddenly aware of how much my, Call's and Tamara's stuff was spread all over the place. I'd left hair ribbons, bobbypins and various snacks collected from either the Refectory or things I'd squirreled away from the Gallery. Call left his notebook on the counter, his bag tossed haphazardly on the couch and one of his socks on the floor beside a plate of crystalline cookies with a bite missing. Tamara had scattered even more — books from home, hair ties, dangly earrings, pens with feathered ends, and bangle bracelets. But of Aaron, there was nothing. What little stuff he had was in his room, which he kept super clean, the bed made as tightly as if this were a military school. Perhaps I should gift him something and leave it in the main area. A fabric flower maybe?

I could hear Tamara and Aaron's steady breathing coming from their rooms. For a moment, I wondered if I should just go back to bed. It was Calls fault if he got into trouble wandering around the Magisterium. Sighing I threw myself against one of the couches and decided to wait and give the dumbass a lecture when he came back. Although... Maybe I should give this place a little cleaning first.


I blinked groggily as I heard whispered voices coming from outside the door. I sat up from where I'd fallen asleep on the floor against the couch, rubbing my left eye as I glanced around.

"You promised. Let me out." An almost raspy voice inclined. I sneezed as a hair tickled my nose muffling Calls response to the voice, making me let out a soft curse.

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