💔💖Bruised but Not Broken

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{JJ Maybank x !GN Reader!}

Warnings: Drinking, smoking, violence/abuse, cursing.

A/N: This isn't edited or proofread (just a heads up lol), so ignore all spelling mistakes. Set in season 1, but no spoilers. Fluff!

Words: ~1k

JJ had had a crush on you since the two of you were in grade school, but in an uncharacteristic way, he had never had the guts to tell you. Today, as he rode home in John B's car, which he stole borrowed for the afternoon, all he could think about was you. How beautiful/handsome you looked when your hair was wet, and how your smile could light up a room, even when everyone was feeling down.

He pulled into the grass in front of his house, turning off the engine and hopping out onto the ground. Even before he stepped into the house, he knew something was off, and walking over the threshold, his fears were confirmed.

His father sat in the middle of the couch, simultaneously smoking a joint and drinking a halfway full beer. JJ stopped at the door, staring at his father, who stared back for a moment before standing up and throwing the beer across the room.

"Where's my money son?" JJ didn't move, just staring at his father. "You got it yet?" JJ nodded his head yes, and step farther into the room, still making sure to keep his distance, but his father crossed the room in JJ's direction in three easy strides, stopping only when he was half a foot away from JJ faces. "Give it to me."

"I don't have it," JJ responded, attempting to keep his composure, but he could feel the anger rising up in him. "I'll get it but I don't have it-" he had just barely uttered the last couple of words when his dad punched him forcefully in the nose, knocking him backwards onto the porch. Scrambling to get on his feet again, JJ attempted to back away, but his dad was quick, and punched him again, this time knocking him down the porch steps and onto the lawn.

"You little bitch!" His dad screamed, attempting to punch him again as JJ got to his feet, but this time he was away to move out of the way of the punch. The force behind it, and the fact that his father was slightly drunk, caused him to lose his balance. Taking advantage of the fact that his dad was now on the ground, JJ got on top of him, punch him hard in the nose several times.

Even as his son hit him, JJ's dad still had the strength to fight back, and by the time JJ was finally able to get away from him father, they both had sustained many injuries in the face and torso.

Hopping into John B's truck, JJ peeled off the property, not taking the time to look behind him or pay attention to the road; no one really came up that road anyway. Before he could really wrap his mind around what he was doing, and before he could talk himself out of it, JJ pulled off the road and onto a narrower gravel path towards your house.

You were somewhere in the middle of a kook and a pogue, living, not luxuriously, but more comfortably than some. JJ knew this road well, and despite the many bumps and small ditches that lined the way, he was able to make it up to your house safely.

He collected himself for a moment, still not really sure what he was doing, but determined to do it nonetheless. Jumping out and walking up to your front door, he knocked once, then twice. It was opened a few moments later by you, a smile, and then a worried look spreading across your face when you got a good look at JJ.

"Are you-" you start, reaching up to stroke his cheek, that was now beginning to bruise, but JJ walked forward and hugged you, wrapping his arms securely around your waist, and burying his face into your shoulder. "JJ," you breathed consolingly, bringing your arms to rest at his shoulders and around the back of his neck. "It's okay, it's okay."

As your words slowly calmed him, he let out small, whimpered cries. That is really what let you know how hurt he was. Until that moment, you had never seen JJ Maybank cry, which is why you only wrapped your arms tighter around him.

A few minutes of this passed, and you were still supporting JJ in your arms (despite the height difference). He slowly rose from your shoulder, and looked you straight in the eyes. His cheeks were rosy and wet with tear marks, but he looked more composed than he did a few minutes ago. You reach up and wipe away a couple of the droplets that were still lingering on his face, and smiled. It was a small smile, but it still set off a warm feeling in JJ's chest, and in that moment, he knew exactly what he wanted. Ever feeling that he had been hiding or ignoring over the past few years began to rush into him, and leaning down slowly, as if to give you time to pull away, he kissed you.

It was gentle and sweet, and everything about it screamed love, not lust. Anyone could see that he didn't like you the way he liked every other girl who had wondered into his life. He liked you so much more, and he liked you in the way he never thought he could like anyone. You were the center of his universe and the only person he would ever trust with who he truly was.

Everything he had ever wanted to say, he told you with that kiss, and by the way you kissed him back, he knew that you felt the same. The gentleness soon was washed away by passion, and as he brought you impossibly closer to him, both of you smiled into the kiss, knowing that this was meant to be.

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