💖Secret Lovers

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{Rafe Cameron x !GN! Reader}

Warnings: nothing, just fluff


Sneaking out of your second-story bedroom window was a challenge, but you knew the reward at the end would be worth it. Just as he had promised, Rafe was waiting for you about two blocks away from your home, dressed casually in a polo and shorts.

"Hey there baby," Rafe says, smiling and reaching out his muscular arms to encapsulate you in a warm hug. "Missed you."

"You saw me two days ago," you laugh into his chest.

"I know," he says, and you can tell that he is still smiling, "but how could I not miss you, even after two days."

The two of you had been sneaking around both of your parents since you had started dating five months ago. Being a Pogue meant that Rafe's kook family probably wouldn't approve of your relationship, no matter how strong and connected you were to each other. So, instead of risking being split apart by others, you met in secret whenever you could to spend time with each other.

Rafe opened his car door for you, holding your hand as you stepped in, and silently closed it, making as little noise as possible.

As the two you drove past many houses, that got increasingly larger as you neared the water, a feeling of security began to wash over you, as it often did when you spent time with Rafe. Slowly, you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. Rafe, in response, turns to you, kissing you fully, and for the rest of the ride, rests him hand on your thigh.

When you arrive at the beach, the sun has almost set, and you walk out onto the sand blissfully together. Reaching the water and kicking your shoes to the side so that you can dip your feet, Rafe pulls you closer to him, just as he had earlier that night, but instead of pulling your head to his chest in an embrace, he kisses you, passionately, on your lips.

After a moment of surprise, you kiss him back, reaching up to cup his face gently in your hands.

"I love you," he whispers, and every fear you had ever had of saying those three words, disappears.

"I love you too," you respond, leaning in to kiss him again. Both of you smile into the kiss, and neither of you pull away until you are out of breath. Pure joy and excitement are coursing through you, and as Rafe pick you up off of the sand, you cling tightly to his neck, wrapping your legs around his torso, and kissing him again.

Through that kiss, you told him everything you hadn't been able to before, and in return, Rafe shared with you his pure love for your whole being. The only thing you could think now, was how lucky you were to have this boy. 

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