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The holorecording showed members of the Haxion Brood—cyborgs made out of repurposed droid parts—and the lanky, slimy, and green-skinned species known as Pykes, in a gunfight against gangsters from the Black Sun crime syndicate. Comprised of mostly repto-mammalians of the Falleen species, the Black Sun soldiers became quickly overwhelmed by the more numerous opponents. The footage paused in a semi-garbled segment with the victors standing among their slayed enemies.

"The Shadow Collective eliminated my forces on Ord Mantell," said Prince Xizor, sitting at a round conference table inside his office. The other three crime lords that formed the Dark Consortium were present via full-body holograms, occupying the other seats. "That's the second stronghold we've lost to them, including our headquarters in Mustafar. My people in Rodia are experiencing similar conflicts with Crimson Dawn, aided by Son-tuul Pride."

A Falleen himself, the head of Black Sun was tall and slender; he was handsome and sported the shaved head and long black ponytail typical of his people. His expensive tailor-made robes, in grey and purple with golden trimming, hid his top physical condition.

"The situation in Ryloth is no different," said Godffah Don, the slicked-back hair and goateed Lannik head of the Crymorah Syndicate. "The Zann Consortium and Crimson Dawn are trying to muscle into our territories, looking to control the spice market in the planet."

"Why did the Son-tuul Pride join the Shadow Collective?" said Zellah Ambross, a female Zeltron in a crimson cybernetic armor with short, black hair contrasting with her red skin. She ran the Guavian Death Gang, a former mercenary outfit of cyborgs turned mobsters.

"Some of the smaller syndicates think it's their best chance to grow," said Kratos, the super tactical droid leader of the Cyban Front.

"This is getting out of hand. We need to find a way to crush the Shadow Collective before it's too late."

"Why is the Empire not doing anything?" Godffah Don said. "Wasn't the Grand Moff supposed to reign in the Outer Rim?"

"Allowing for our mutual decimation is an advisable tactic to control crime," Kratos said.

"Kratos is right," Xizor said. "The Empire will only get involved if their interest or civilians are threatened. As long as it stays among us, they're not going to lift a finger. But we have to be careful. The first side that breaks that will incur the wrath of the Empire."

"All I want to know is how in the Void Maul managed to get all the other syndicates in such a short period of time," Zellah said.

"Greed, promises of power, grudges against us? Who knows?" Godffah Don said. "What matters is that we're losing turf, money, and soldiers."

"We need the Hutt Cartel to join us."

"Ha! That would be the day. The Hutts only care about themselves. Those big, slimy slugs are probably licking their chops, waiting to capitalize on whoever loses."

"My spies have informed me they had already turned down Maul," Kratos said.

"I've heard that too," Xizor said. "But that doesn't mean the Hutts can't change their mind if it suits them."

"Then, what do you propose we do?" Godffah Don said. "Stand like a bunch of nerf herders, watching the Shadow Collective carve out our territories?"

"Of course not. We need to come up with a different approach; something Maul cannot anticipate."

"Asymmetric warfare?" Kratos said.


"We're syndicates, not armies," Zellah said. "If we were to behave like that, the Empire will surely take issue."

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