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"See, the dark one is rebuilding it again, Father Kkkt," said a Southern Mustafarian—the short and stocky genus of the species.

The scout and his three clanmates wore armor, breathing masks, and were riding lava fleas. They spied upon the construction site of Fortress Vader on the Gahenn Plains, far enough away to avoid being detected by the Imperial garrison protecting it.

"How many times is that?" said another Mustafarian.

"This is the sixth," said Father Kkkt. His armor had several protruding tubes and he wielded a staff with a crescent moon crest.

"We have to do something about it. The planet won't be able to take much more. The Endfires will consume everything that is left on Mustafar."

"I know... I hear the screams of the land every time the dark one tears the sky. We have to preserve whatever is left of the Lifefires."

The lava fleas became restless.

"Steady, girl. What's the matter?"

The creatures began to buck, throwing the riders off.

"What is going on?" said a scout.

"It's the dark tower," said Kkkt. "It attracts and affects them."

"Not this time," said Kroven from atop a rock. He jumped down where the scout party stood. "You've been spying on this area long enough. What do you seek?"

"Blast him!" said the scout leader, opening fire with his blaster staff.

Kroven repelled them with his lightsaber gauntlets, practicing his lessons in the Form V variant, Shien. He had the lava fleas bash two of the Mustafarians, and Force-pulled the scout leader into a wheel kick. Father Kkkt brandished his staff to send a stream of lava toward the Zabrak. Kroven Force-jumped out of the way, rolled on the ground, and Force-choked Kkkt. The Mustafarian broke off the attack and tried to Force-push Kroven into the lava, but failed to affect the stronger Force-user, who pelted Kkkt with a volley of volcanic stones. His armor protected him from damage, but the assault stunned him. Kroven stepped on Kkkt's staff before the Mustafarian could pick it up. His lightsaber gauntlets hummed alive.

"You're Force-sensitive," said Kroven, intrigued.

"You are too," said Kkkt. "Then, you know the damage you are doing to the planet."

"We feel her suffering."

"And choose to ignore it."

"There is nothing we can do. It is the will of my Master."

"The Dark One? Is that who you serve?"

"We came to learn from him."

"And what have you learned?"

"The ways of the dark side."

"Then, strike me down. That's all you people know, right? Destruction and death."

"We don't wish to kill you." Kroven's lightsaber gauntlets hissed off.

"Why? You're going to torture me? I won't talk."

Kroven crouched. "No. You're right about one thing, though. We do know about death. That's why I won't kill you or your men—not if I don't have to. Are you planning to attack the fortress?"

"I'm going to do whatever I have to, to protect my planet and my people from the destruction your master has visited upon us."

"Such an action is doomed to fail. My Master's warriors are legion and well-armed. His power is too great for anyone to survive. You and your people are better off finding a new land."

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