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"That's the Executrix; Tarkin's ship," said Virra as the Outcast completed her trip to Pantora on her remaining sublight engines. "The Imps were waiting for us just like we expected." The Star Destroyer orbited the moon—Pantora being the primary moon of Orto Plutonia—as squadrons of TIE fighters patrolled the world.

"What an honor," said Theleema.

"We did attend his promotion ceremony after all," said Syrran. "How are we doing, Eels?"

"I found a light freighter heading to Ventooine," said Elynn, working her console. "Another YT, ironically. I say we have a about two minutes before she makes lightspeed."

"Perfect" Syrran clicked the intercom. Lum?"

"Ready when you are," said Ilum.

"Get topside."

Syrran flew the Outcast toward the light freighter, below, and from the side. Ilum took the upper hatch lift outside the Outcast. When they got within range, he fired the repurposed XX-23 S-thread tracker from a MK sniper rifle. The tracking device attached itself to the vessel's hull, and unfolded its transmitter dish and extended its antenna before the light freighter jumped into hyperspace.

"The homing beacon is in place," said Ilum, going down the hatch.

"Good shooting, Lum," said Syrran.

"Did they bite?" said Theleema.

"I see no change on their ships' position," said Virra.

"Nothing on their comms either," said Elynn.

"Maybe the homing beacon wasn't the Empire's," said Theleema. "It could have been the bounty hunters."

"It's possible," said Syrran. "Either way, by the time it starts transmitting again, that ship's going to be on the other side of the galaxy."

"Don't worry, I got us our way in," said Elynn. "That BFF-1 bulk freighter is heading toward Ro Station."

"I've plotted a path toward her through an Imp's visual blind spot," said Virra.

"Perfect," said Syrran. "Dia, prepare the magnetic claw. We're hitching a ride."

"Standing by," said Addia on the intercom.

Syrran flew behind the BFF-1 bulk freighter. He flipped the Outcast on her belly and attached her underneath the hull of the cargo vessel. The BFF-1's H-shape when hauling her shipment containers allowed the Outcast to remain hidden. The Je'daii entered Pantora's atmosphere undetected. Once safely inside the moon, and on Syrran's signal, Ilum released the magnetic claw. The Outcast dropped in freefall for a few seconds, until the working drives kicked in. Flipping the freighter over, the Je'daii traveled toward Ro Station.

A world of extensive marshes blurred by a veil of thin mist, Pantora offered a place of beautiful pastoral vistas. The city of Ro Station lay amid a series of green valleys. It was a busy metropolis of tall spires, onion domes, and busy streets. Pantoran cities favored a circular layout with emphasis on beauty, elegance, and harmonious function. Red-tiled parks with matching trees occupied the rooftops, under the shadows of impressive decorated spires with domed pinnacles. The streets formed deep trenches, protecting the cool-lit facades of businesses and dwellings.

The Outcast landed in a refueling depot at the Lower Division district of the city. It's attendant—a portly Sullustan with a bold crown and a fondness for cheap jewelry—sat in his office, watching a nuna-ball game on his holoscreen.

"No. Make the pass, you stupid droid. Don't let the ball run away from you," he said, as the spherical creature used as a ball untucked and sprinted away from a mechanical player. He left the office to greet the spacers, muttering curses in his native tongue. "Well, there's some money to be made here," he mumbled to himself, when he saw the state of the light freighter. "Ya fellas looking for some repairs?"

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