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On their journey back to Pantora, Gorin guided Syrran in the modification of the backup hyperdrive from Class 1 to Class 0.6. In return, Syrran had Elynn teach Gorin the basics of spaceship flying to reinforce her own knowledge. She then showed Addia how to operate the communications station, while the Mirialan taught her how to navigate. All the while, Jarriss helped Ilum expand his medical knowledge.

The fight in Centerpoint Station had led the Shard to reassess his fighting style. He borrowed Elynn's holobook on lightsaber crafting and found what he looked for in a chapter dealing with the construction of lightsabers during the High Republic Era. The small modification resembled Theleema's crossguard lightsaber. When Ilum activated his greatsaber, two thin plasma blades appeared from the base of the emitter, connecting to the ends of the unfolded quillon. This gave the Shard the ability to use them both for offense and defense, lending themselves better to his application of Mano Cerrada.

"I'm glad to hear you managed to stop The Mother," said Ahsoka via holocomm, after Syrran contacted her. "The Force only knows what terror she would have brought to the galaxy if you had failed. Although, I'm sorry for the sacrifices you had to make to do so." She appeared pensive and despondent.

"A small price to pay to get rid of Maul, Karabra, and her in one swoop," said Syrran.

"Thank you for letting me know, Syrran. I must admit, I dread becoming involved in this after what I went through in Mortis."

"I don't blame you. I'm glad we managed without your help. But you know you're always welcome on board."

Ahsoka cracked a slight smile. "I know... but I—"

"It's alright, Ahsoka. I understand. You must do what you feel is right. But I won't stop reminding you, you have a place among us."

"Thank you, Syrran. May the Force be with you."

"And with you. Don't be a stranger."

"We'll be in touch."

As the Outcast entered the Sujimis sector, Addia found some time to sit down at the meditation area to study the Kazerath. Syrran had used psychometry to read the object the cycle before. The farthest memories he saw were faint images of the original Je'daii, using the object during meditation without apprehension. The relic was not a weapon, but some kind of spiritual instrument. Syrran also saw how Karabra stole it from the Baron Do Sages on Keldor, and how it came to be in their possession. With no other information to rely on, Addia decided on the only course of action she had left.

She held the artifact in her overlapping hands and concentrated, letting the Force—light and dark—flow through her and into the Kazerath. It began to vibrate and hovered above her hands. The silver and red markings moved slowly, until they expanded and separated into two distinct larger spheres of rotating stringed metal.

Addia found herself sitting in an infinite mental space divided into black and white, with a glowing silver orb in the former, and a crimson one in the latter. Following her instinct, she stood in the middle and called both of them to her. Each orb divided into six smaller ones, surrounding her. Addia picked a red one and sensed what it incited in her. She recalled the fight with Abeloth. The fear it produced made the orb burst into a shaft of red light.


Addia picked a silver one. It invoked a sense of harmony. It dawned on her that the Sith sought to control the Force, while the Jedi wanted to let it control their actions. Addia simply let herself experience the harmony she felt when she learned the Great Jedi Library of Ossus was safe and well looked after. The silver orb turned into a shaft of silver light.

"Ha! I see..."

Addia worked with each ball of energy, switching between red and silver. If she projected her hatred into one, she experienced love on the other. Soon, she was engulfed in twelve bars of light that blended into each other, turning amethyst. Addia opened her eyes and found herself back at the dojo with the Kazerath resting in her hands.

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