how nightmare on elm street went and how i'm now shaking

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so. yesterday i mentioned that i was going to be watching A Nightmare On Elm Street with my family. contrary to what the title might suggest, the shaking has nothing to do with the movie. i'll get to why i'm shaking soon. anygay, the movie went well. it seriously did not scare me at all and i was able to predict most things that would happen even though i'd never seen it. that's the first horror movie i've ever seen so idk. dad said we would have to watch Halloween next because ANOES didn't freak us out. SPOILER INCOMING!! honestly, i thought the movie would be more about tina, but she was the first one to go. i really liked nancy, she was badass. after we finished the movie my sister and i went on a bike ride around our neighborhood twice and then we started watching Captain America: the First Avenger. well, as it turns out my sister got really freaked out after the movie but i was fine.

now onto why i'm shaking. my sister made me go on another bike ride with her today and this was like all the way downtown, which isn't that far because i live in a small town but anygay. so in order to get back to our neighborhood you can either take a dirt road that leads into the neighborhood adjacent to ours (which we took to get there) or you can go up the main road which has a huge hill. my sister and i got in a fight cause she didn't think i knew where i was going and she thought i was putting us in danger, blah blah blah. long story short, i've done this a million fucking times and i would sooner die than let anything happen to her. she must never know i said that by the way. now, i biked up this big hill and of course i have motherfucking ✨asthma✨. so i sit at the top of the hill for a few minutes and that helps a little but by the time i get home i'm almost wheezing. so i ran up here to my room and grabbed my inhaler and followed the instructions of my prescription. but of course in order to fix the issue that i'm ✨asthmatic✨ it comes with some lovely ✨side effects✨. the two that happen to me are chills and trembling. so that's how i'm doing right now. and then in five minutes we have to start ✨cleaning✨ but i'm mostly doing okay.

have a great day you crazy amazing fuckers 🤪

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