✨auditions and other chaos✨

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soooooooo we had auditions for the school play today. i only found out TODAY so at the end of the school day i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ called my dad; he didn't pick up. ✨FRANTICALLY✨ called my mom; she didn't pick up. ✨FRANTICALLY✨ called my dad again; he 👏still👏doesn't👏pick👏up👏the👏damn👏phone👏 but he's a third grade teacher so 🤷‍♀️. at this point i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ called my grandma and of course as soon as she picks up my dad decides to call back. so i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ put her on hold and ✨FRANTICALLY✨ explained to my dad what was going on, he said it was fine, so i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ hung up to ✨FRANTICALLY✨ ask my grandma if she could pick me up. but i accidentally hung up on her so i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ called her back and ✨FRANTICALLY✨ explained the situation. she said it was fine, so i ✨FRANTICALLY✨ hung up and ✨FRANTICALLY✨ got mah ass to the auditorium.

auditions were from 2:30-3:30. there's the newbies (the kids in their first of year of school here), the crazy middle kids (✨yours truly✨) and the veterans (the kids in their last year of school here). now ✨imagine✨ how that goes when you put them all in a big group and tell them to be ✨over exaggerated✨, ✨dramatic✨, and just generally ✨obnoxious✨. yeah. ANYgay auditions went well and yeah,

i had ✨Cocoa Puffs✨ for dinner.

stream "Ugly Heart" by G.R.L.

have a great day you crazy amazing fuckers 🤪

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